59 | The Addition

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❥Through His Eyes✿


Damien is going to love it.

As the driver swerved to the driveway, my impatient self grabbed the gift bag at the passengers seat next to me and hurried out of the car into the house. There was a slight pain under my belly.

"Easy my lady." Henna warned then suggested taking the bags from me.

"Is my husband in?" I gestured to the bedroom and she simply nodded. Before she could mutter a warning, I walked up the stairs increasing my pace to the bedroom. "Damien?" I called before walking in.

Oh my God!

I'm surprised to find a large bouquet of roses on the bed, adorned with boxes around it. Slowly, I walk towards the king sized bed dropping the gift bag and picking up the bouquet taking in its enchanting scent. I search my surroundings for the man behind this.

The tapping on the tiled floor by Damien's cane approached from the walk in closet. There stood my husband looking more handsome as usual.

"You beat me to it."

"I did?" He took tentative steps towards me, only stopping when he was next to me. I gave him a subtle nod. I glanced at the flower I was given on the day he surprised me with my cafe, still sitting pretty on my bedside table.

"You always get me gifts and I figured I haven't done anything for you."

"C'mere." He extended his hands for a hug. I drop the bouquet on the bed and closed the space between us. "You're the best gift in my life. I'm the luckiest man in all planets at this point."

My lips once again curled into a smile. "I have something for you." I pulled away from him and assisted him to the bed where I shoved the gift bag to his side.

Carefully, he searches the bag pulling out a large box from it and revealing a frame in it. His fingers trailed down the picture, with the furrowing of his brows I figured he didn't know what it was.

"You said I should get a maternity picture, but I decided to frame one of the pictures we took together at the bakery." His eyes brightened, I figured he loves it.

I loosened the ribbon from the box he had gifted me revealing a Philip plein superheroin crystal-embellished shoulder bag, and a crystal mach and mach heels in the next, he had me on the grey sweatshirt which matched with the color of his eyes. Since I married him, grey has automatically become my favorite color. "It's the color of your eyes." I noted out.

He smiled knowing fully well. "Thank you." I hugged him feeling thankful and guilty I didn't gift him anything other than a frame when he went miles for me.

"My lady, lunch has been served at the dining room." Henna announced after a knock on the door.

"I'm suddenly craving your food babe." My husband whined as I helped him get up. Henna was waiting outside the door for us.

I turned to Henna. "Don't worry about dinner." Then we started off the stairs.

Pain suddenly shot through my abdomen. It's a strong cramping in my abdomen, and my back felt really heavy as well, I took in a deep breath to calm myself. The baby is kicking. "Babe, when is my due date again?"

"Four weeks left honey."

The achy feeling couldn't go away. "The baby can't wait that long Damien. I think it wants to come out now." I chuckled.

"You're bleeding my lady." Henna announced.


How's that even possible?

I was too scared to look down. Scared of what it had interpreted. As tears streamed down my cheeks I recalled what the doctor had said when I was informed of my illness. I had forgotten about that for a while.

It's an 80%-20% case. They can either save you or your baby.

The baby had stopped kicking and fear consumed me.

* * *

The thirty minutes ride was hell for me. I couldn't lie down, I couldn't lean my body to anything. My contractions worsened taking my breath. I worried recalling my illness.


The fear of losing a child swarmed me. My water had refused to break and I don't know if I could keep this up.

The doctor checked my heartbeat and the baby's movement. "You need to calm down at the top of your contractions Mrs Jamie."

My husband's grip on my hand tightened. "Breathe like you're jogging baby." He added clearly not helping matters. I laughed wearily. It was really hard for me to relax at the top of my contractions as the doctor had told me to. But I decided to give it a try squeezing his hands cautiously.

I put my energy into remembering the delightful aroma of a bundt cake I had made on the streets and the strengthening taste of the morning coffee people requests for.

"You're probably two hours away." The doctor announced again and my heart sank. Cakes were helping but two hours was a long time to play mental games with myself.

Damien tried to massage my waist, wiping off the sweat on my body with a towel. I kept rocking, breathing and visualizing. My cautious grip broke as I tightened his hands when the pain reached rock bottom.

"I need to get this baby out real quick."

"Easy sweetheart. You are doing a great job."

It was hot. I was frustrated and I'm experiencing a sensation of wetness in my lady area, an intermittent leaking of small amounts of watery fluid from it. It's dropping and it's soaking. I think I'm bleeding again.

"Mrs Jamie I want to give you an exam but first I want to do an ultrasound to see where your placenta is."

She applied lubricating gel and a small handheld probe moved around my tummy. "Apparently, your placenta is covering your cervix which caused the bleeding. And you are bleeding a lot, so we need to get you to the operating room."

"Wh-at?." My weakly voice asked. "A C-section?"

"Yes Mrs Jamie, and..." She paused turning to Damien. "It's an 80%-20% chance like we've warned. Your wife is in a very critical condition."

"Isn't there like anything you can do doctor?" Damien voice breaks. "Can you save both of them Doctor please?" This is second time I heard his sobs break. Hot tears streamed down my eyes to the fibre stuffed pillow.

I'll be fine Damien.

I wanted to assure him, but I didn't want to give him a false assurance.

"We'll try our best." The doctor assured and I know later on I can smile knowing I put a star here to help lighten the world.

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