27 | The Tango

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❥Through His Eyes✿


FOR THE next few days, Damien and I fell into some routines causing the rumors to decrease tremendously. Hand in hand, we walked on the red carpet laid on the stairs leading to the hall. Halfway we stopped for a picture, and then continued when Damien almost unlocked our hands. Tons of cars rolling outside, It almost felt like we were reporters getting ready to burst into a stampede in order to enter the venue. In excitement, my mind was racing with the thoughts of what was going to happen. This was my first time attending a tango party and it will probably be the best night of my life.

My heart felt like a nail, beating out of my chest. It was even possible to hear the thump coming from it. The venue itself was a huge building that was perfectly lit so you could see everything that surrounded you. The neon lights bouncing off the walls were extremely vibrant: Going from orange to blue to red and back around again. The tension and happiness coming from everyone in the room was incredible. It was like a burst of positivity smacking you in the face.

We were led to our seat in the front as we were informed the dance was about to start. A couple accompanied by the famous recorded song La Cumparsita graced the stage with their presence. Damien had claimed he knew the male dancer, who rewarded us with free tickets to watch his dance.

The dance started slow then fast, then back again with the both giving fierce look to themselves. My brows furrowed in confusion as I imagine Damien and I on the stage. I could feel the intimacy between them. The constant holds, movements and touching was provocative. I swallowed, then turned to Damien who acted like he could really see what was before him. The lady wrapped her bare legs around the man's torso, and he swirled her around cautiously. My eyes widened and I almost choked seeing the way he grabbed her ass.

What is this dance doing to me?

Damien looked my side. "What's going on?"

"Nothing." I muttered breathlessly.

The dance was finally over, we headed over to a different hall for dining. Glancing around, my eyes met that of the male dancer's and he began walking towards us. He set his champagne flute on a walking waitress and strolled his way through the crowd, only showing up in front of us when I informed Damien.

"Damien!" He greeted and pulled out his hand for a hug, but then retrieved it immediately and went for a handshake instead.

"Seth." Damien stated rather bluntly. "Thanks for inviting us to your dance I had a hard time enjoying."

"Hm." He suddenly looked at me again. "Is she the rare gem?" He gestured for my hand which hid under the opera gloves I wore, placing them in his. Then he kissed it softly.

I gave a small smile before excusing myself to the bathroom for them to have a little chat.

"Be careful, it's a big party there are reporters everywhere." Damien ordered, then left with Seth causing me to roll my eyes.

Now standing in front of the mirror with my small make up purse, I found my reflection in variance with what I had expected to see. I applied more lipstick and mascara then stared at myself in the mirror. A black backless body fitting gown with a long slit by the left, an opera gloves and a strappy heels.

Unlike other times, this evening, there were more people than usual. In my absent mindedness, I had lost sense of the passing time until I heard my phone ringing. I turned off my phone seeing my Dad was calling for the umpteenth time today. I tried to gain my balance as I left the bathroom only stopping dead in my tracks when I reached the door, my body turning into a block of ice.

"Beautiful..." A small smirk played on his face. "Hello Jamie, it's been a long time."

I swallowed. Hard.

"Don't you have anything to say to me?" Anthony asked. "No hello?" He slammed the door. His face not one full of warmth.

I didn't say anything, but my heart raced inside of me. I quickly assessed some options just figuring out I didn't have any. If I tried to run, he would chase me down. Unlike the other party, it's just Anthony and I here. I could only hope he wasn't here to do me harm. I crossed my arm over my chest, hoping I would at least appear strong before him.


"Anthony you and I are not together anymore."

"We never called off the wedding, I am still you fiance!" Anthony yelled, spittle flying from his mouth. "I want you Jamie."

This man is a psychopath. "I'm married Tony, can't you see that." I raised my left fingers to show him the ring. "How did you even know I was here?"

He chuckled mirthlessly. "I want you." He said through clenched teeth. "I want you Jamie." He said continuously.

"Anthony what is wrong with..." He didn't let me get the rest of my question out. He gripped me hard by the shoulders shaking me.

"You can't leave me Jamie. I won't let you." I never would have thought him capable of violence, was he going to kill me because I didn't love him? I wiggled and struggled until I freed myself from his grip.

"You...you stay away from me." I shifted my weight backwards, away from him. Far away as possible.

He began fiddling with his fingers and biting his nails vigorously. "Just tell me you love me. Give me a second chance."

Had he always been this crazy or had losing me made him this way?.

I couldn't bring myself to say what wasn't in my heart, Even if I had said it, it wasn't as though would turn around and leave.

"Fuck!" He cursed running his hands through his hair. He took bold steps towards me then pushed me backwards resulting to me to snapping my wrist on the countertop. He wrapped his hands around my neck. "I wanted to give you a chance, a chance for you to love me." Anthony started to squeeze hard. I grabbed at his hands but he didn't loosen his grip.

I took in a huge gulp of air after he had let go. I realized he was sprawled to the floor by Damien's bodyguard. He threw punches on his face while Damien stood at the door signalling the other bodyguard to take me away from there.

As quickly as possible, his bodyguard carried me a bridal style taking the backdoor out of the hall. Carefully, he settled me into the car and I couldn't stop coughing from the effect of the tight grip. Few minutes later, Damien got into the car and it started off with none of us saying anything. But with the look on his face, I could tell he was really furious.

"I told you to be fucking careful!" He raised his voice at me. The driver stared at the rearview mirror and back at the road. 

Why is he raising his voice at me?

It's not like he cared anyways.

"Who is he?" He questioned and for a moment I was unsure of what to reply him.

"Why? Just like you did to the reporter who slammed his camera on my face, you made him loose his license and can't get job anywhere. What are you going to do with this one?" I scoff turning to face the tinted mirror suddenly not feeling like talking to him anymore. If I hadn't heard it from Henna, he'd have kept it from me. I'm probably sure he had no intention on telling me anyway.

"Who is he woman?!" He yelled again.

"My fiance!...ex fiance!" I yelled back at him and he just stared my side.

This was totally my worst night ever.

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"Henna is doing a good job father, we should just let her be."

"They why did you marry her..."

"I don't know father, you tell me. Why did you insist I marry her even when I had declined. Because I can't seem to understand her role in that house!".

I raised my voice. He didn't like that. He jolted up and walked to me his hands slowly caressing my neck before he held tightly.

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