22 | The Luau

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I tried writing this in Damien's POV but then I got stuck. I had to erase everything and go again in Jamie's pov.

❥Through His Eyes✿


"THIS IS GOOD." I moaned and commented for the umpteenth time after taking two coconut milk. His grandfather was doing too much, like he had everything all planned. Coming to this place and riding horses wasn't enough for him. Now we were in a fucking Hawaiian luau. Damien on the other hand who wasn't protesting or disagreeing to Pa's suggestions was clearly not enjoying this. He's been wearing a face of annoyance since we left the villa.

"White looks good on you." This is the third time tonight I've been trying to lure him into a conversation but he wasn't ready to talk to me. At least not yet. I'm sure he hadn't even realized he was wearing white up until this moment I mentioned it to him after all it was all Pa's idea. I couldn't even recognize my husband anymore. He was on a white buttoned shirt and a white formal trouser. Dayuum he looked so good. But he makes it look like I wasn't taking care of him with the look on his face.

"This tastes good, Damien try this." He felt the tip of my fork trying to get into his mouth. "It's kalua pig." I was told it was a roast pulled pork traditionally cooked in an imu, I don't care, it just tasted good and I wanted him to try it to but he didn't even cooperate. "Your grandfather has been staring at us for some minutes, I hate this as much as you do so just act along." I stuffed the food into his mouth and proceeding in cleaning the crumbs from his lips.

Polynesian musicians, luau dancers, and other performers took the stage while we sat back enjoying ukulele music, fire knife dancing, and hula. They moved their bodies to the rhythm of the music and I was forced to move mine where I sat. The other couple caught my attention, they were with different men and it didn't matter to their spouses.

"Are you guys a couple?" One of the luau dancers walked to us with braided flowery leis in their hands.

"Yeah, he's my husband!" I raised my voice a bit due to the noise from the music. They smiled and wore us the flowery lei urging us to participate on the stage. "He's not the dancing type." The smile never left their face as they walked back to the stage.

Damien stood taking his cane by his side and wandered away. "It's dark where could he possibly be going to." I grabbed the flower lei he left behind.

"Damien!" I called as I walked after him.

Once we walked to a quiet place I pulled him by the arm and quickly he pushed my hands away from him. "What is wrong with you?!"He yelled attracting the attention of passersby.

"Please reduce your voice." His grey eyes shot daggers at me.

"What is your problem?! What are you trying to prove?"

I was a bit dumbfounded, just couldn't find the right words to say. Being yelled at sure has significant effects on both the body and the brain.

"What is your problem Damien? Why do you find fault in everything I try to do. Yeah, I get it you hate me and the feeling is mutual, do you think I enjoy being around you?" I tossed him his lei. "You disgust me." I stated plainly before walking out on him. Good luck to him trying to find his way back.

"Arghhh!" I cursed myself mentally. No matter how I tried I can't bring myself to leave him all alone in the middle of nowhere. I turned to look at him, he was really doing a bad job finding his was back. He almost hit a little child with his cane. He wasn't even familiar with this place and he's acting like he is.

I took in an enormous amount of calming breath before walking back to him. His eyes widened as I locked my arm with his.

"What are..."

"Just shut up and walk with me." I ordered and he didn't say a word like he knew I was only trying to help him because he was a disappointing mess. We got to our villa and he shoved me off as expected walking into the kitchen. He didn't even appreciate my kind gesture.

Staring at myself in the mirror, I admired the white gown I wore with the side slit. It did a great job bringing out my curves, it was one of the dresses I got as my wedding gift and Damien had to shorten the night for me. I didn't even enjoy it that much. Great. He managed to get himself a bottled water and a glass cup without damaging anything.

I slipped off my gown leaving me in only my bra and panties. It'd have been uncomfortable for me if Damien was to see me half naked, especially now we just had a fight. I had the courage to do so because he wasn't able to. I caught sight of him from the mirror gulping so many glasses of water.

"Damien are you okay?" He didn't reply me and it made me worry. "Damien?" I hesitated before walking to him and quickly he shifted his weight from me turning his face away from me. "Why are you drinking so much water? Are you that thirsty?"

"I'm...I'm fine." He replied back without even shooting a glance at me. It felt like he was intentionally avoiding my face. His chest rose and fell like he was worried about something.

I took his word believing that he was fine before going to the bathroom for a long bath.

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"Your wife is beautiful." I stopped in my tracks on hearing the compliment. "She's really beautiful." He continued and I don't know if he was trying to piss me off. "You have gem as a wife you know that? You shouldn't let it slip."

"Who are you?" I didn't realize the tone of my voice as I spoke to him.

"Relax man," he chuckled trying not to push it. "Patrick, Patrick Stephen."

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