Jessica seen by Heather

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- COME ON, JESSY ! I shouted.
- Heather, please. Just five minutes.

I ripped off her duvet.

- Please, Heather. It is Saturday.
- One more reason ! That way we have the whole day. I said as I fell on top of her.
- I hate you, pixie.
- I know you really love me.
- You're horrible but it's true that I love you. she said getting up.

She placed a kiss on my cheek. She got dressed and I was proud to have managed to get her up.

- Where are we going, Pixie ? she asked me.
- Ah it's a secret, my fairy ! I smiled.
- Mmmh okay.

A black cat climbed onto the bed.

- Hey, who are you ?
- Stella.

The cat raised its head towards its mistress. I smiled and placed a kiss on the head of the cat who didn't react.

- How old is it ?
- We found it in the alley.
- Oh, kitten.
- It is a kitten. she laughed.

Finally she ready, we went down the stairs to the kitchen.

- Hello, mom.
- Good morning, sweetheart. Oh hello, Heather.
- Good morning, ma'am.
- Did you come looking for this mule-head ?

Jessy took a slice of jam and ate it while her mother looked on furiously.
- Oops ! Is bread for the evening meal ?
- Little imp !
- I love you, Mom ! she said running away laughing.
- Break a leg.
- Thanks, ma'am.

Who is Jessica Jensen? Oh it's a good question.

Jessy is herself in every situation, she is who she is. A girl without limits when it's a cool day for her. Always a sweetheart with others but she can be a monster when you attack her friends. The kind of girl who can't be manipulated but won't want to manipulate others. She is like that and that's why we love her. She has a different way of thinking than us but yet she is incredible. The kind of girl perfect for a crush but a long love affair is not her thing. A girl apart but truly authentic. That's why we keep her close to us. The most popular one in high school is quickly dethroned. Have a Jessy in your circle because every day will feel like a Netflix series. She can do so many things! Like for example, she sings, plays electric guitar, piano, classical campfire style guitar. She plays basketball, draws school posters and is never good in class. That's the downside of doing so many things.

- Why ask me this question about Jessy? You know her ?
- Pretty much.
- Her birthday has passed, you know ?
- I know, thank you very much. said the stranger with a forced smile.
- Great ! You know a lot of things now ! Bye !

Funny woman.

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This journalist is so weird...

Bye bye !

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