Jessica seen by Noah

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I caught up with her pretty quickly, Her combat knife against the throat of one of those asshole hunters.

- If you kill him, you become what you hate, Jessy.

She slit his throat without any hesitation.

- I refuse to see a life of someone who dared to do that to you.
- It's nothing.
- It's not nothing and you know it as much as I do.

She put the blade away and continued walking through the woods. I arched and killed someone who was aiming at her.

- Me who thought you were their doggie. she smiled. - Shut up, will you, you crazy.
- I love you so !
- Just be quiet, Firefly.

She shot Malcolm, the world's greatest jester.

- I hate this nickname. she chuckled.
- Does it remind you of Henry ? I asked.
- You know the answer.
- Does he look that much like me ?
- You look too much like him.
- Were you in love with him ?
- I think so but I'm not sure. she said thoughtfully.

After she killed a few hunters, she vomited the excess.

- So sensitive... I said sarcastically.
- If you want, you can go say good evening to them.
- Not interested but thank you for the suggestion.

She offered me her middle finger with a look of disgust at the blood on her face and her clothes.

- Damn, I'm disgusted, it was my favorite hoodie ! she complained.

I almost collapsed laughing. When I regained my composure, I realized she was wearing my hoodie. I said nothing and took her to the tavern.

The hunters' not very credible landmark.

- What the hell is this shit.

She looked at me confused.

Adam... What that...

- Are you OK ?
- Yes
- Okay. Weird.
- What ?
- The guy in the middle is attached to the foot.

Like me, I was, Jessy.

- It's super creepy and horrible to do that to someone. It's worse than death. He is experiencing real torture.
- Close your eyes. I said authority.

I hid her eyes from her while mine remained focused on this spectacle that I experienced.

Katy, one of the only women to be merciless, pressed her gun against his cheek before whispering these words that still rang through my head and only the victims heard.

- Your miserable life hangs by a thread. Either you join us and then you don't need this little vial.

Inside this tube is a poison that kills the person instantly, it is Oliver who creates it before Jessy kills him. Just one milliliter in your blood and you are paralyzed. They do this during the integration session.

- You only have one answer to give us. she laughed.

Most were killed by her gun and not by the poison. This woman is a monster capable of the worst horrors. I only saw her torture someone to death once just for a poor cigarette.

The psychological torture of poor Adam made my stomach turn but I took it upon myself. I closed my eyes for just a few seconds before hearing a cry of pain from Adam. Then Katy's.

Jessy escaped from my arms. She flew into an uncontrollable rage. She turned the tavern into a bloodbath.

- You only deserve to die. she said furiously.

After minutes of spurting blood, she calmed down and looked at the sole survivor.

I managed to get Adam out before she unwittingly grabbed him in her murderous madness.

Jessy grabbed Katy's hair and with a macavelic smile, she grabbed a syringe. She poured out the contents of the vial. I opened my eyes wide but she pointed her gun at me.

- Please go away, Noah...I can't control anything anymore.
- Never.
- Don't blame me.

Tears ran down her cheeks as she said the last sentence to me.

- I would never blame you.

She nodded and angrily grabbed Katy's arm. She stole this one. Katy looked at her pleadingly but she only smiled.
- It's my turn to make you suffer like you hurt him.

She tortured her for five minutes. Katy died as she had killed her own.

When everything becomes calm. I saw her laughed while crying and collapse on her knees on the ground covered with corpses and blood.

- I'm so sorry, Noah. she cried.
- It's a miracle that you only took two bullets during this butchery. I said to cheer her up.
- I feel dirty...
- Would you walk ?
- Take care of yourself first, Adam.
- You know too much, firefly, but I refuse to leave you alone here.
- Please, Noah. I do not want to hurt you. she weeped.
- You're not like that.
- Look what I did.
- Come with me.
- I can't. she whispered.

I placed a kiss on her forehead.

- I hate you so much that you make me feel these feelings for you, Reed.

I took her hand and we left. I carried Adam home.

-------- ☀︎ --------

Oh oh oh oh my my my my GOSH !

I'm so happy !

The turning point in history has arrived !
!! Too happy !!

Byeee !

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