Week twenty-two : Wednesday December 19

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- What is that thing ? Noah say completely shocked and lost.
- Damn, you had time to give birth in thirty minutes. Adam mocks.
- Just shut up, Adam. Noah, do you know how to make a cradle ?
- No, sorry.
- I can. Adam said seriously.
- Really ! You do not mind. Thank you so much Adam. I say happily and reassured.

The baby begins to move against my skin.

- I have to go get some powdered milk for her.
- It's a girl ?
- You're dumb, she just said it. Adam blow, making me smile. I'll take care of it, Jessy.
- You're too nice, it's suspicious.
- I would have done my part and at least I will leave you without fearing for my life from you finally you-

I place a kiss on his cheek which cuts him off from his speech. Noah's jealousy is not long in coming but he doesn't say anything because he knows it's stupid.

- You...you...I'm surprised. say Adam.

I laugh and take the little one into the bathroom.
I listen to them talk.

- You're not possible, seriously.
- I'm not going to do anything, I promised you.
-Don't try anything with her otherwise-
- You stick your arrows in my eyes. Yes I know, I know the song.
- Stop acting like you don't think about anything.
- You're looking for conflict, Noah.
- I'm not trying.
- You know me and I know you.
- Adam, I'm going to get the damn milk and don't try anything while I'm gone.
- You talk like an NPC. Always saying the same thing.
- Jester.
- Yes, it wasn't me who had a baby.
- Shut up !
- Him and trust is a complicated love story.

I laugh and hear his footsteps coming towards the bathroom.

- I know I'm funny but still.
- You remind me of Eden. I smile.
- Your guardian angel.
- You know too much about me, be careful !
- Sorry madam ! he say, raising his arms.

We laugh and I take off my sweater to let the child breathe completely. My skin was almost bare in front of him.

- Hum, you do not mind.
- I keep my paws and comments but please let me stay !
- And why ?
- I have never seen a baby live normally for a few moments.
- Okay but no rude comments .
- All right.
- Promise ?
- Promise.

I heat the water under Adam's amazed gaze.

- How do you do ?
- Heat the water ?
- Yes.
- I have a river which runs a mill which is linked to the house so I have electricity without problem thanks to hydroelectric energy.
- Ooh it's amazing. he said, his eyes full of stars.
- You are the first whose subject does not put him to sleep.
- Noah doesn't react the same.
- It's boring for him. I laugh sadly.
- What an idiot.

The water is hot enough for the baby, I put it in carefully.

- I think she bled on you.

I roll my eyes.

- Excuse it was stronger than me. he say scratching the back of his head embarrassed.
- It is nothing, Adam.
- Sorry.
- Stop apologizing for nothing.

He smiles at me before watching as I clean the child.

- What are you going to call her ?
- I don't know.
- Oh, you don't think about it.
- I had just seen her mother dead in a dress covered in blood, how did you want me to react ?
- I'm sorry, I sound like an idiot.
- But no, I reacted badly, that's all.

I look at him like a stranger. He wasn't such an asshole after all. His blue eyes watch me look at him.

- You have beautiful eyes.
- Hum, thank you ?
- I'm sorry. I laugh.
- It's okay. he smile.

The baby laughs.

After bathing, I keep it close to my skin.

I look at the sky. Adam put red glasses on my eyes.

- But you're serious !
- Look at the moon, Jessica.

I look at it and it was beautiful but a little weird.

-------- ☀︎ --------

I love this relationship !

And yes, Adam is so important and not that much of an asshole (it's not true but it's a spoiler, no ?)

Bye !

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