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Author's POV

Snow glowed on the mountains, and a cold breeze hit the trees. People wore heavy jackets and shawls. A few students, wearing backpacks, walked on the sidewalk. An exhausted pregnant mother held a crying child in her arms. An old couple worked in the fields. A very young man dragged a heavy cart around the neighborhood.

Umair rolled the window down of the car, which came to pick them up from the airport. A gust of wind smacked his face, and he closed his eyes. Rehana, who was sitting behind Umair, tapped on his shoulders. Umair turned around to see Rehana snapping a picture of him.

Rehana grinned. "Your wife asked for a picture, " she said. Umair returned a smile. "She did? Then, do it right."

The interns laughed as Umair posed for a photo. It was usual for them to see their leader as a lovesick lover.


Umair followed a young man into a significantly damaged house. The roof was leaking; some windows were covered with glass, while others were covered with pieces of cloth. The only thing that worked in the place was the fireplace. The worried interns looked at Rehana, who passed looks to Umair. He gave them an assuring nod, a signal he would take care of everything.

The young man gave Umair five keys to the house.

"Thank you. What is your name?"

"Hammad Suri."

Umair introduced everyone, and later, Hammad introduced himself as one of the medical students they would teach in the upcoming months. "Please, don't worry. Tomorrow morning, there will be a few people to fix up the house. The association told us you will be here next week. So, we apologize on their behalf." Hammad apologetically said.

"That is completely fine. So where is the hospital?" Rehanna asked, glancing at the interns.

"There is no hospital here," Hammad replied.

" Where do we work if there is no hospital here?" This time, Hassan asked the question everyone was waiting for. Hammad paused, then said, "We will use a school building in the meantime. I thought you guys knew the conditions here."

"We did not. Hammad, can you prepare some food for us? After that, we can visit the site."

"Alright, I will see you all later."


"Dr. Umair, how would we work?"

"Exactly, they have nothing here."

The interns threw questions at Umair.

"A doctor never finds excuses, even in harsh situations. Why are we here? We are here to raise awareness of medical education. Of course, we won't find any suitable place to work or sleep. We need to ensure the villagers welcome us and our thoughts. We have to mingle around with them like them. We only have a few students because not everyone knows advanced medical science. So, I request you all please be open-minded and accommodating," Umair explained.

Rehanna added, "I request you and remind you of our medical oath."

The interns nodded at each other and took the keys from Umair. After everyone settled in their rooms, the women shared one while the men shared one; they met Umair outside in the courtyard. Hammad prepared food and snacks for the team. Later, he took the group on a visit. He showed them the building where they would work and the students they would teach.


It was midnight; Illiyeen and Rohan were sitting in Illiyeen's room. "Our mother did not let anyone touch your things." He confessed.

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