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Author's POV.

Umair and Ahmed entered to find Bajwas settled in. Umair paid his salam to everyone; however, his eyes only spotted a teary-eyed Illiyeen. He needed to pay attention to the conversation, but Illiyeen was his only focus.

"Umair Beta, when can we take Ami home?" Tahir asked him, but Ahmed replied, seeing his best friend seemed lost.

"Uncle, let's keep her a day more, and then she is free to go."

"Thank you so much. Beta, you took care of me last night. Thank you." Nano said.

"Nano, no need to thank me. It's only our duty; Umair, just a word, please." Ahmed said, and he had enough.

Umair nodded and left the room.


"What's up?" Umair asked, oblivious to the fact Ahmed saw him tensed.

"Umair, are you okay?" Ahmed counter-questioned.

"Hmm. Yeah, I am. What happened?"

"Nothing. Illiyeen's father asked you something in the room, but you were lost."

"Ohh, that. Nothing is wrong. I am exhausted, that's all." Umair smacked his lips.

Ahmed touched Umair's shoulder, "If there is anything you want to discuss, I'm all ears."

"I know. Thank you."

Illiyeen exited the room to find Umair And Ahmed talking to each other. Though she did not want to interrupt, her presence made Umair turn around.

"Sorry, I don't know where the restroom is."

"It's okay. I was about to go either way." Ahmed said and left.

"Take a left. Never mind, I'll show you." Umair smiled and tried to walk with Illiyeen, but she stopped him. "No need to. I can go by myself."

Umair pressed his lips together disappointedly, "Okay. Uh. Take a left; it is the third door to your right."

"Thank you so much."

Illiyeen walked away, leaving a confused Umair behind.


After many attempts, Illiyeen's family finally convinced Umair to have lunch with them. Hala and Azaan insisted on sitting beside Illiyeen, to which Sanam side-eyed them. Umair took a seat between Illiyeen and Tahir.

Illiyeen moved to talk to Hala, who was desperately waiting. Then, suddenly feeling alone, Umair excused himself to use the restroom. Rohan noticed how Illiyeen deliberately ignored Umair, and he chose to follow Umair.

Rohan looked everywhere, near the restroom, but did not find Umair. So, he took his last shot and checked the back entrance. As he approached, he spotted Umair puffing away on a cigarette, utterly oblivious to his surroundings. Not wanting to startle him, Rohan gently cleared his throat to announce his presence. Umair's head snapped up in surprise, and he hastily stamped out his cigarette on the ground.

"The restroom was busy. So, I came out here." He lied.

"Is everything okay?" Rohan, trying to be a hardcore man, asked Umair. Deep down, Rohan was worried for his sister, partially for his new brother-in-law.

"Yeah, everything is fine." Umair lied once again.

Rohan pointed towards the cigarette, "This. Api dislikes men who smoke. I wanted to let you know."

Umair scoffed, "Thank you."

Rohan pouted, "Bhai, I understand your frustration with her behavior towards you. However, give her some time. While she may appear extreme in her love, she isn't always aware of how her actions may hurt others. On her behalf, I apologize for any pain she may have caused you. As her brother, I know her personality well, and she tends to play hard to get. So, please respect and appreciate her for who she is rather than hold it against her."

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