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While Illiyeen was changing, I checked her room. There was a balcony that gave the full view of the backyard. There were a lot of photo frames and her pictures in them: family, friends, graduation, parties, and childhood.

She lit some scented candles; I read the name and took a picture: Peony and Blush Suede. I noticed there was a small room attached to her bedroom. It was her study. It had a full-length window with a bookshelf on one side and a sofa on the other. She had a wooden desk in front of the door.

It took Illiyeen one hour. Then, finally, She came out holding her walima dress, with a towel wrapped around her head. She completely ignored my presence while I stared at her as she did her skincare. It was the first time I saw Illiyeen with wet hair or even putting something on her face. Either Illiyeen was perfectly dressed up or was going to change, so I never witnessed my wife preparing for bed.

The door knocked, and Illiyeen answered. It was Rohan. He held some clothes for me.

"Umair Bhai, try these if they fit you. They are a large size and might be loose." He said and talked to me.

I examined the trousers, "I think they are fine. Thank you, buddy."

"No problem." He replied in a sulking voice. He was about to walk away, but Illiyeen called him out, "Chubs, Is everyone gone?"

"Except for Mamo, everyone else is. Oh Mawaa Api staying here. So I asked Azka baji to prepare for a room." He replied.

"Thanks. I will come with you." She said and took her dupatta from the chair.

Rohan whispered, "Ruk jao. Bhai might need something."

Illiyeen, as loud as possible, said, "Your bhai does not need anything." I smiled at her antics.

"I can answer for myself. No, thank you, buddy. I do not need anything. Unlike someone else, I do not take an hour to shower." I walked inside the bathroom, but I did not close the door. I stood there listening to the sibling duo laughing. She was laughing.

I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes to listen to her rhythmic laugh.


I walked downstairs and asked one of the house helpers where everyone was. She led me to the family room. Everyone was munching on the food, Laughing, and screaming. Rohan told them all the fun family gossip he saw during the functions. Since there was no seat available next to Illiyeen, Hala, and Mawaa for the main reasons, I sat across from her. Illiyeen passed a plate to me.

"Azka Baji please join us." Neha said, and the helper who helped me sat with us. Illiyeen hugged her, and she fed Illiyeen with her own hands.

"Beta, why are you not eating anything?" Muzna Mama and I nodded at her. She served me pasta, and I thanked her.

God, why am I being awkward? This is my family as well. Come on, Umair, you got this. I was nervous like it was my first surgery. At this moment, I felt like I was in the operation theatre. My job was to know this family and let them enter my life.

The whole night passed with sharing memories. Mama and Mami left us alone, saying we shouldn't stay up late. But I think they also know that no one would listen to her.

A very sleepy Illiyeen finally stood up. "Well, bye, everyone. I am exhausted. Good night, or should I say good morning." Neha and Mawaa followed her. She said, leaving me alone with Azaan, Rohan, and Hala sleeping on the couch. Azaan picked Hala up and walked out of the room as well.

I looked at Rohan, who was giving me a deadly stare. I felt my hands getting sweaty.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I know you think I got in between you siblings."

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