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I knocked on my Dad's study. "Come in."

He was working on some gas and energy plants. "Umair beta, I am glad you are here. This is a new project, and I wanted your opinions."

"G, Baba. I wanted to talk to you about something." I said, settled myself on the chair opposite his desk.

"Is everything okay?" Dad asked and moved next to me.

"Yeah, everything is fine. I wanted you to fire a few people."

"Fire? What happened?" My Dad said calmly, but I was sure he would not remain the same after I narrated the incident. That's precisely what happened. I narrated the afternoon's events, and my Dad was angry.

"Umair, you are my son, and next time, don't hesitate to get rid of people like these." I nodded.

"But Baba, they are not our workers. They are Chachos. So I wanted to ask for your help. How should I handle this situation?"

"It does not matter if they are Wajahat's workers or not. Them staring at your wife is wrong. I would've poked their eyes out. I will talk with him later. First, you do what suits you better." Dad gave an assuring smile, and I left.


Damn, I was getting sick.

After dinner, Mama brought chai for everyone—Illiyeen, who constantly looked at me worriedly. She kept glancing at me and then at everyone.

"I think we all should do a bonfire." Humna Api said, and I could not agree with her more. Maybe a lovely evening would ease Illiyeen's mind.

"I agree," I announced; suddenly, I felt a hard slap on my head. I hissed in pain and turned around to see Mama standing. Everyone laughed, but I could not see Illiyeen's expressions.

"Why did you do this for?" I messaged my head, and I looked at her. She folded her arms. She gave me 'Because I am your mother look.'

"You are getting sick, and you think I would let you sit outside in the cold." She said and passed me a cup of chai.

"Ma, I am not a kid." I pouted. My mother walked over to Illiyeen and sat beside her.

"Mama, I agree with you. Someone claimed to have good stamina earlier, and now they are sick." Illiyeen said and winked at me. I could not help but nod at her.

Sweety, wait until you go back to your room. I'll see you then.


The night was young. Though Mama, Beena Chachi, and my beloved Phopos forced me to finish all the soup before I could join the younger lot in the yard.

Walking outside, I saw Illiyeen giggling and helping Amina prepare for the movie night. I stood in the dark where the swing was and enjoyed the scene before me. I glanced around and remembered what my parents used to tell us; they would sit here a lot whenever we visited.

Suddenly, the thought of being on a swing with Illiyeen came, and I smiled. Maybe I sensed a new family tradition. Over the past month, we have grown together. She has been striding at me with full force, from holding hands to kissing each other. I am lucky.

I saw Ahsan Bhai came with a few small bouquets. He slowly passed each of them, different from the other, to all the girls. Illiyeen got her favorite white lilies, and she brightly smiled at him. She giggled when he gently patted her head. She sniffed her flowers and grinned.

Bhai walked over to Humna Api and gave her two bouquets. She frowned at him at first, but when Bhai kissed her forehead and caressed her belly, she shed a few tears.

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