Chapter 42: Bad Boyfriend

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Joe's POV:
I walked over to the door where the doorbell was ringing like crazy. It was nearly 10pm and I didn't appreciate it. I opened the door to a beaming street light pointed right towards the doorway, causing my eyes to water like crazy.
"Dude, stop crying," the brunette laughed but entered my house anyway.
Zoë, Alfie and Caspar had all gone to 'bed' which meant for a YouTuber, spending two or three more hours editing whilst laying in bed. That's the worst part of this whole thing, when I grew up, I wasn't prepared for life in London. I wanted to be a thatcher. I trained, I finished my course and my internship but when my channel was doing so well, I couldn't quit and let everyone down and so I packed everything and moved to the city of London. Now, I spend the majority of my days indoors and another reason why I love to travel is to get out of boring daily routine. I had commitments: to things, people, places, jobs, anything that involves staying still and not being able to spread out and be yourself, explore new things. My favourite thing to do of all.
"Who are you exactly?" I rubbed my eyes to adjust to the not-so-light lighting in the apartment.
"Paige, we spoke on the phone? Geez, you really do have bad memory," she giggled and I vaguely remembered that Kiwi accent as the one from Starbucks, "anyway, I know Summer and she still likes you, like really likes you," I went to say something about how if she had really liked me, she wouldn't have ended things but instead, a finger was shoved against my lips, painfully touching the slit that was just about healing from when I had a bad encounter with the floor. "Your her Wonderwall," she seemed so mystical by calling it that.
"I'm her Wonderwall?" I asked, not actually knowing what a Wonderwall was. I was unsure whether to feel honoured or creeped out. I'd never been classed as a Wonderwall before.
"A Wonderwall is someone that you think about all the time, someone your totally infatuated with," I sighed at this, if Summer really still had feelings for me, she wouldn't have ended things in the very first place. "She loves you, she really does, can't you make some kind of major gesture?" Even though my bed is the place I think of my best video ideas, it's because of the big fluffy thing I'm lying on not the annoying girl screaming things in one ear that just float out the other in a matter of seconds. Besides, I can't even remember her name.
"Like...?" I opened the discussion for ideas but she just slapped me on the arm. I comically rubbed it and looked hurt, even though that wouldn't even hurt a fly. "What?" I laughed, seriously not having a clue about anything like a 'big gesture'.
"You need to think of something personal!" She giggled. Honestly, even though I was deeply in love with Summer, we hadn't really learnt much about one another. Even though the majority of my life was online, I had never spent much time getting to know her and had learnt the majority of it by chance. For instance, her whole family situation was only known to me after I happened to overhear about Ruby, I know barely anything else about her personal life. Whilst I was thinking about how I'd never gotten interested in her personal life or asked about her interests and hobbies- let alone any casual questions like 'what's your favourite song?'- I realised how bad a boyfriend I had really been, not including kissing another girl, even though she said she wasn't mad about that.
"But, I just don't know that much about her," it was hard to say it without sounding exactly like the bad boyfriend I'd been made out to be.
"Am I really going to hold your hand to cross this road?" I stepped back subtly.
"Maybe that's not such a good idea," after kissing Titany, I really didn't think holding...Penny's (I think that's her name) hand was going to help.
"It's a metaphor you div!" She slid her palm down her face slowly before laughing sweetly. I was so relieved, I didn't need another crazed fan. "I mean, I'm going to have to ask all the necessary questions like: her fave colour, song, TV show, band," as I was about to thank her and agree, she carried on her- what seemed like- endless list, "YouTuber, place to visit, season, weather, anything else," I nodded, signalling that I got her idea. She simply carried on talking before I was allowed to suggest anything. "Maybe you could sing her favourite song to her, you play a spot of guitar right?" This time, I seized the opportunity for her pausing to swallow excess saliva.
"That's not half bad, I could- with your help- find out her favourite song and then, try to win her back," I knew deep down, singing wasn't enough. Plus, I wasn't even that good at playing the guitar and it would probably take me weeks just to learn the one song that I needed to. Maybe, I should write a song...but that would take forever. Maybe I could go and write something on a Starbucks cup when she collects it...but what if Poppy collects it instead? I sighed, thinking I needed to think more about this and where do I do that best? In my soft, comfy bed.
"Okay, well I'll text you the info you need and this is now; operation Jummer," it felt so good to hear someone say that ship name again, it had been some what of a long time since I'd last had it said to me. Something about the whole situation seemed so romantic yet currently, the romance was nil.
"Yes, bye," I said bluntly, shifting her out the door one step at a time until she was gone and the door was securely shut, bolted shut. I yawned and rubbed my eyes which I was struggling to keep open before turning the light off and feeling my way around, made my way down the stairs and into my warm bed that was just peeled open, waiting for me. I pulled my duvet up to my chin before sighing at the position I was in. Suddenly, something inside my head told me I had to do something, that I couldn't just go to sleep. I sat up abruptly, dropping the blanket and letting a cold breeze hit my arms and sending shivers down my spine. I pulled my laptop onto my legs and began to type things, anything.
About an hour later, the only ideas I'd come up with was buying her a present or surprising her at Starbucks by simply buying a coffee. The thing was, if I were to buy her a present, I would have no clue what to get her and if I were to go to Starbucks, I'd probably get inundated by viewers. After being completely stumped for any sort of useful ideas, I decided that since it was nearly midnight, I should surprise my viewers with a spam of tweets and updates on all social media. Maybe they could help me get some new ideas.
So what do you all think that Joe should do? Please comment some ideas because I'd love to get your input and then having your idea in here, hopefully you'd be proud so please message me or comment 💙
Anyway, I'm aware this took me FOREVER to write but I've been writing a lot of other things and this chapter is (hopefully) very detailed and involved. So this book is coming to an end soon but I'm hoping to leave a lot of things unanswered events that should hopefully make you want to read the sequel even more!
The sequel will be called 'Fallen For Caspar's Roommate' and will be about 1/2 yeas into the future!
Thanks for reading and I'll try and write more soon!

Falling For Caspar's Roommate (Caspar Lee and Joe Sugg Fan Fiction) {#Wattys2015}Where stories live. Discover now