Chapter 26: Meeting the Mother

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Apologies for the misspelling of 'whether' for a lot of my chapters and it should not be 'wether'.
Joe's POV:
Before I knew it, Summer had fallen right off the bed. I quickly jumped off the bed and moved around to where she was on the floor.
"Oh my God!" She was laughing which made it easier for me to laugh along. Not wanting to be rude but it was hilarious. "Are you alright?" I pulled myself together and used her hand to pull her into a sitting position where she tried to calm herself down.
"Thanks," she whispered. I looked at her for a little bit. The two of us both leaned in but were interrupted right before our lips met.
"Summer!" Ruby's voice burst into the room and I was forced backwards. The perfect moment was now ruined.
"What's wrong?" I spoke up before Summer did, reaching out a hand to pull her up by and she struggled to her feet.
"Nothing, I just think we should go, are you ready?" She had a high pitched, squealing weasel-like tone to her voice. Looking Summer up and down before shifting her weight onto her left side and moving her hands to her hips, looking judging.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Summer was wearing Jack Wills jogging bottoms and a plain white T-Shirt with a maroon hoodie; However, I was wearing thick sweats and a black, long sleeved top which was one of my favourites. Neither of us were bothered about looking fancy. "Mums not going to care about what Joe and I are dressed in when she hears your news," her words were said in such a relaxed yet strained tone. I had a feeling that she thought the same thing about the perfect moment that was horribly ruined. Summer grabbed my hand and led me outside into the kitchen. Ruby followed now fully iced with her foundation and powder. She was dressed in a black dress that clearly wasn't suited to meet ones mother.
"Hello darlings!" Summer's childhood home was like a mansion. It had about an acre of garden space, 4 cars in the drive, a huge knocker on the black, oak double doors and when we entered the hall, it seemed like the massive estate of Downton Abbey. There were gold painted assets all over the place- including a Genie's lamp and small camel statue that I didn't see the point of- as well as lace table covers and paintings (of nothing special like some flowers or a tree) by famous artists lining the stair way.
"So, where's Caspar?" Even though there was an attempted whisper I was able to hear what her mum had said to her. I chose not to look over there and make things awkward.
"Um, we aren't a thing anymore," I heard Summer speak quickly and head straight through to to he living room, avoiding any more conversation. The living room was in perfect keeping with the rest of the house. There were two sofas with embroidery and little tassels as well as tall windows that reached from about 3 inches off the ground right to the ceiling.
"So, Summer, this doesn't seem like the most appropriate thing to wear to visit your mother," Summer's mum sat down on a large green arm chair. She had her sleek, grey hair in a bun on the back of her head and was wearing a black pan suit. I would never have guessed that Summer would've come from such a posh, upscaled family.
"Well, it was kinda an emergency," Summer held my hand behind her back and led me to one of the fancy sofas which I appreciated because in this kind of place, I was feeling like such a country-guy intruder. After all, Wiltshire is a real rural place and hasn't got any houses like this, we are full of Aga's (cookers), wooden doors and stone fires.
"Well, what is it you wanted to tell me?" At that moment, Ruby came walking in. She's obviously held back because of what was about to happen. "Ruby, darling! You seem to have put on a lot of weight!" Mrs. Andrews got up to tend to her daughter and had such a confused look on her face.
"Mum, Ruby is having a baby," Summer stood up and I could see she was shaking, I reckoned that she was more scared about the situation that Ruby was or than her mum would be.
"What?" I grabbed ones of Summer's shaking hands and she breathed a sigh of relief whilst her mother seemed not to be too panicked. "Ruby, is this true?" She even had a slight smile on her face, like she might be happy about it.
"Um, yes mum. It's true," Ruby rubbed her stomach, her baby-bump.
"OH MY GOODNESS!" My eyes may have been trying to fool me but I swear I saw that little woman jump for joy.
"Are you happy about it?" Summer's voice was shaky.
"Of course! Ooo my first grandchild! So exciting! Well, you should come and stay with me for a while so I can help you out, I've still got your old things to sort you out," Whilst her mother headed up the stairs, Ruby mouthed a thank you to the two of us and followed her mum upstairs. Summer began walking out and I followed her through the hallway.
"Is this where you grew up?" I asked, looking all around me at the amazing assets I hadn't seen on the way in.
"No, my mum only moved here when my dad died, we used to live on an old council estate," I was astonished to 1) find out that Summer's dad was dead and 2) find out that her mother lived here all on her own in such a huge house. "She got all the money from the insurance and a few million he'd been hiding from all of us the whole time." She got into the driver seat and I hopped into the passenger side.
"I'm sorry about your dad," I sighed, sad I didn't know about this beforehand.
"Don't be. Should we go to yours to see how Caspars doing?" She started up the engine and I nodded before she drove off and no one really talked for the rest of the ride.

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