Chapter 39: Starbucks and Break Ups

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So, I'm trying to make this book a lot more descriptive as you'll see in this chapter rather than just 'there was Summer an Joe and they went out' because I want to describe outfits and things so yeah...
Summer's POV:
The paranoid side of me needed to know what was happening so I ran to the door and cupped my hands around my eyes and peered out the misty window. The weather was miserable, rain drops compromised my vision and I squinted through the bright grey sky. I could see Black-Beauty from a mile off, her dark exterior frightened me but I knew she wasn't Joe's time, no matter how much she was all over him... Sadly, I'd never been trained in lip reading and the shimmering lip-ring mad it doubly as hard for an amateur. All I managed to see was their faces extremely close, too close for my liking. I considered running out there, pretending to give him something he forgot but, there wasn't anything and I suppose it would be mean. Is this a date? I thought, is whatever this is between Joe and I just a friendship? I pulled away from the class where I had left breath marks. Pulling my sleeve over my hand and rubbing it away, I could see one more thing through the glass. I edged closer but all I managed to see was the two bodies practically merged (partially faulted by the glass). Without thinking, I swung the door open- hitting the wall with the door handle- and sprinted away, passing the two lovebirds mid-kiss. I didn't want to face them. I would've collapsed, lost all faith in Humanity, in God, in Love.
"Summer?!" I heard his voice calling out to me but I chose to ignore it and ran back home. All the way back home.
"Jesus!" I sighed, laying down on the sofa and struggling to stay up. When these things happen, I completely regret wanting to buy a leather couch, it was utterly stupid. "Am I just that stupid? Did he not call me his girlfriend? Did he not say that people would be jealous because their idol had a girlfriend? Did I imagine all of that? Am I talking to myself? Yes I am. Did I just answer myself? Am I still talking to myself?" It's true what they say, talking to yourself is the first sign of madness and I definitely felt it.
"Well, I heard a bit of it," Lisa laughed, leaned around the corner and giving me a fright. It did make me feel a bit better that technically, I wasn't talking to myself because someone else was listening.
"Sorry, all this is driving me mad!" I laughed along nervously and made space beside me by lowering my legs. Lisa came and sat down next to me in her dressing gown. Surprisingly, her hair wasn't wet.
"All what? Oh no, what happened with Joe?" This question session was becoming quite a habit between us and honestly, I didn't mind it so much anymore considering it was nice having someone to talk to.
"Well, I practically watched him get kissed by some girl, but that's not what I'm annoyed about," Lisa's eyes widened when I told her that wasn't the part I was annoyed about.
"Why aren't you annoyed? He. Kissed. Another. Girl." Actually, that fact was false. I knew that Joe hadn't kissed her, I saw it. Joe would've been more careful doing it right in front of his house. If I hadn't seen it, Zoë or Alfie would of.
"Well, it's just the fact that when Caspar and I broke up," saying that still hurt me, I completely ignored her question as the answer was still a mystery to me. "I should've left this YouTuber circle, as much as it was fun to be in. Now, I've dated two of them in the space of a year. Not only are they both YouTubers, but they are roommates too. I've also started a channel and honestly, I've just applied for a job at Starbucks, I'm not ready for this sort of commitment," I sighed, realising that even though I liked Joe so much, this whole thing wasn't right: I needed to break up with him.
"Wait, Starbucks...Starbucks, that rings a bell," Lisa got up and waddled to the phone.
"Well, they are probably the biggest coffee company in- I don't know- the world!" I joked, knowing that wasn't what she meant but found it funny to mention it anyway. Over the past few days, I've noticed more and more that mine and Joe's humour was similar, if not identical, to one another's. "Sorry," the look on her face didn't exactly say 'amused', "what do you mean?" Lisa pressed a few buttons before a female voice answered. It held a hint of Australian in it, or maybe it was New Zealand, I could never tell the difference between them.
"Hi there Summer, it's just Paige here! I just wanted to tell you that you got the job here, the boss was so pleased you finally agreed and to be honest, so was I! Anyway, you start on Monday if that's aright, I'll be able to teach you the tricks of the trade when you get here, until then, have a great weekend! Bye!" The machine crackled and the message ended. Breathing a long sigh of relief, I wanted to go up to my bedroom and just sleep.
"So, what about YouTube?" I stopped, spun around and looked her in the face.
"I'm going to quit before its started," and with that, I went upstairs. Although it's just a job as a Barista in your average coffee shop, something about the whole thing seemed exciting. Being normal, free. No one being able to stop you and ask for an autograph or a picture (obviously, not for me butt whenever I was out with Joe or Caspar) and anyway, this was probably for the best, both for my mental health and relationship, if there even will be one. The first thing I did when I sat on my bed was check my phone, expecting messages or calls from Joe. None. Somehow, that was more expected than having the messages to me. I dialled his number. No answer. It was as if this boy didn't even own a phone; there wasn't much point in him having one if he wasn't going to use or answer it.
I started to text him, it was such a s*itty was of breaking up with someone but technically, I suppose we weren't dating.
'Joe, I wanted to do this is person but I don't know when I'll see you next. I tried to call but there was no answer. I'm not annoyed at you for kissing Tiffany, I know you didn't initiate it, I trust you all the same. The thing is, this whole 'fame/YouTuber thing' is all too much, I think I need to get out of the loop. Being around Caspar is already too stressful and seeing him with Britt just brought back too many memories. If they start dating again, I think it'll cause too much pain, this is why I think we should-' my phone began to ring and the message was cut short. I expected it to be Joe calling me back but instead, it was an unknown number.
"Hello?" I asked with caution, prepared to hang up on potential predators.
"Summer?" I recognised that cute Australian/New Zealand accent.
"Oh, hi Paige! I'm sorry, your number was unknown," I was relived to hear a familiar voice but I couldn't help but wonder how on Earth she got my number.
"Oh no it's okay! Sorry to be all creepy and that, my boss gave me your number because I just wanted to say that if you wanted to get here early tomorrow, we can have a coffee and I can talk you through a bit of the basics," her accent was not only attractive but it was posh and had great clarity.
"Of course! I'd love too!" Maybe I sounded a bit over excited, it was only coffee.
"Awesome! Okay, well I should go now, see you tomorrow, bye!" Paige hung up the phone and I instantly felt like I had a friend. The page filled with the long message popped up on my screen and I sighed heavily. Whilst reading it through again, I began debating whether I should send it or not.
"What's up?" Lisa came in, now dressed in a sleeveless shirt and black skirt. She also had completed it with knee high socks and looked the perfect image of your classic American school girl. "Are you sending that?" Lisa was staring at the screen, reading my message.
"I don't know," I sighed, "I just don't know anymore..."
So took a while to plan all this out but it's about 1500 words long, they won't normally be this long but I thought I owed you a lot! New one coming soon!

Falling For Caspar's Roommate (Caspar Lee and Joe Sugg Fan Fiction) {#Wattys2015}Where stories live. Discover now