Chapter 20: The Café on West Side

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Summer's POV:
The next morning, I woke up to a note on the kitchen counter. Lisa wasn't there but she did leave this note that said:
Hey Summer, really want to talk later but I'm out with Aiden right now, be home about 3. Come meet us at Hyde Park if you like, Lisa x
Her handwriting was curled and fancy unlike mine which was childish and round. I'd always thought that Lisa was just a gossip girl and the female version of a player but in all fairness, she's been nothing but good to me since things started to go downhill with Caspar and if I didn't have her, I'd be lost.
I went up to my American-style room and laid down on my bed. Deciding that since I hadn't been on my phone or laptop in ages,
I figure that I should spend a couple hours on social media catching up on the new gossip but when I looked outside, all I could see was the sun and blue skies. "I suppose I should go..." I mumbled to myself in hope of convincing my mind that I needed to be outside. Choosing not to get changed, I went back to the kitchen and rang Lisa. I didn't really know who Aiden was but I figured things had gone sunny side down for her and her ex-boyfriend, Zak (even his name was messed up).
"Hiya," I spoke down the phone, "are you guys still at the park right now? I wanna come down and meet you," I spoke quickly down the phone.
"Oh well yeah, awesome! We're by the Cafe on west side but we are sitting on the grass with a picnic, see you soon!" Lisa hung up. I didn't want to go and feel like a third wheel to her and Aiden but she seemed as though she really wanted me to go and meet them and I wasn't going to say no.
"Hey Summer!" Lisa got up from the red check blanket and gave me a heart-warming hug. Aiden was still munching on an apple but honestly, I wasn't expecting much of a greeting from someone I didn't know that well.
"Hi Lisa, hi Aiden, it's nice to meet you," I stuck out a hand which he took.
"Hmm," he put a hand to his mouth and sped up his chewing, "sorry, in the middle of a bite!" His voice was high pitched and if I'm honest, slightly feminine.
"What happened to Zak?" I whispered as Aiden took a slug of his Coke.
"Zak? Nothing? Oh Aiden is just a friend...he's gay!" She replied too loudly for my liking and caused Aiden to look at me.
"Oh I'm sorry!" I stuttered, feeling awkward for mixing up the situation but I did have my suspicions.
"No don't be!" He reminded me a lot of Tyler Oakley aside from the glasses and bright hair colour. "I'm so open with my sexuality, I don't mind!" He laughed and I breathed a sigh of relief.
We sat there for about 15 minutes, munching away at sandwiches, sausage rolls and little pieces of carrot and cucumber before anyone spoke again.
"Is that Joe Sugg? The Joseph Sugg?" I instantly looked around to where Aiden was pointing at a guy wearing sunglasses in the Cafe. I looked at my watch that read 12:06 and I looked back at him.
"Yeah, that's him," I sighed, noticing him with a girl who I didn't know. I figured it must've been Tiffany. The girl had straight, long jet black hair and a 'sorry about my hair' beanie lightly placed on top (clarity a fan of Pointless Blog). She also wore thick black makeup including: eyeliner, lipstick and mascara. She had tattoos up her left arm right to the top of her white vest and a lip piercing similar to Luke Hemmings. She was hand in hand with Joe. I could tell that this girl was a goth or really loved the colour black.
"You didn't seem very happy!" Aiden yelled at me, I was so happy to know that Lisa hadn't told him.
"I know Joe very well," I sighed and I saw his face light up.
"OMG! OMG! OMG! Please come with me to get an autograph?" He stuck his hands out to beg for me to get up and go with him. I felt extremely awkward for intruding on their date. I figured when I cleared the text from her that they wouldn't go ahead with it, that is if this was definitely his date with Tiffany.
"I don't know..." I spoke up and looked towards Lisa, hoping for some help. However, she was turns the other way, staring at the girl like I had done, probably wondering the same thing.
"Oh please, it might help me get a few things!" I saw Aiden's cute puppy-dog eyes and I couldn't help but give in to his cute fanboying moments.
"Okay let's go quickly," he jumped to his feet before helping me up. I took my time walking to Joe, nothing had been said between us after the kiss that Oli saw but obviously, Joe didn't think much of it. I waked up to their table with Aiden behind me, he was shy and I'm not gonna lie, it was so sweet!
"Joe?" I asked quietly, not wanting to draw any attention to him.
"Summer?" He took his sunglasses off of his chiselled face and his eyes were wide.
"I'm sorry for interrupting but this is my...friend, Aiden," I wasn't entirely sure on how to introduce him since I'd literally just met him but I supposed we would be friends since he seemed so kind. "He's a big fan of yours and suppose he wants an autograph," I still kept quiet for his benefit.
"Don't worry about interrupting," he smiled, here. He took a photo out of his bag and a thick black Sharpie and signed ThatcherJoe on the picture of himself before handing it to Aiden.
"Thanks so much!" He seemed so happy and I was glad that I agreed.
"Again, sorry to interrupt," Tiffany (if that was even her name) was giving me a glare but seemed friendly as soon as Joe looked at her.
"Don't be sorry," he smiled and as I was about to walk away, he grabbed my wrist. Tiffany had her head in her phone and Aiden had already run back to the picnic where Lisa was staring over at me. "We need to talk later, okay?" He whispered and I pulled away before nodding, I was just in time for another one of Tiffany's tasteless glares but I just walked away, wondering what it was Joe had to say to me.
I keep doing these but if you think that having Tiffany, Aiden and Lisa all in this is too confusing please tell me. Aiden is going to be a VERY rare character but if you think bringing Tiffany in is just confusing things, please comment that but if you think it's good, please comment that too I really need this 💙

Falling For Caspar's Roommate (Caspar Lee and Joe Sugg Fan Fiction) {#Wattys2015}Where stories live. Discover now