Chapter 34: Zalfie Comes to Stay

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Amazing new book cover made by _Maisie_xoxo check out her awesome fan fictions (especially Alfie's choice) and just follow her and just love her 😂
Zoës POV:
"Hi there Caspar, where's Joe?" I gave Caspar a quick hug but pulled away quickly. I saw that he was holding Joe's iPad mini in his left hand and I was wondering where my brother was. Alfie had followed me in with all of the bags before struggling and giving Caspar a manly handshake, if I hadn't have been there, they would've hugged one another.
"Oh, nice to see you too Zoë," Caspar joked but considering a lot had gone down, I needed to talk to him: the video of Joe and Summer was just a start and it had already confused me so much. I thought Summer was with Caspar, did they break up? Considering Alfie and I had been down in Brighton for almost a whole year without seeing my brother or his best friend, I suppose I had missed a lot despite video calling for hours a week. I never really remembered to ask questions about his love life, mental note made.
"Sorry Caspar, it's great to see you! I just need to smooth some things over with him. I'm so very confused," Alfie eventually buckled under the pressure and dropped the bags on the floor. I heard the clang of buckles hit the floorboards, most likely leaving a scratch sure to annoy Joe with his OCD.
"Well," Caspar, Alfie and I all walked towards the couch where we all sat, slightly uncomfortably I must say. "Whatever you need to know, I'll probably have the exact same answers," Caspar still had hold of Joe's iPad. The fear was that he would drop it- smashing the screen and probably the back- the way he was holding it. I knew Caspar was as much a part of the situation as Joe but I figured Caspar would hold more of a grudge against this than Joe and I really just wanted his opinion and side of the story.
"Well, I just want to know the whole story I suppose..." I sensed that this whole thing may make me annoyed with Joe and it was better I got annoyed when he wasn't here rather than when he was and probably end up getting into one of those stupid sibling fights.
"Well, I dated Summer. Me and Britt met up, went to LA and then Summer began thinking we were doing something, dumped me and chose Joe," as much as I thought of him as a brother to me, something inside told me that this wasn't what happened, that there was more between the lines that I didn't know. Maybe talking to Joe isn't the best idea, I thought, maybe I should be talking to Summer instead, I decided that Joe would just tell me his own side of he story, much like Caspar had.
"Oh, alright," I replied simply just as I heard a key turn in the lock, signalling Joe was home, I just hoped he'd brought Summer with him.
"Zoë! Alfie! The ultimate ship couple!" He laughed, grabbing me in a hug and (being that feminine guy that he is) hugged Alfie too who reluctantly, patted him on the back. Alfie was too tall for Joe. He only reached about to his shoulders and it was as if Joe were just a kid compared to Alfie. "This is Summer, you probably saw her in my video earlier," I always watched Joe's videos. I didn't comment or like them for fears that people would spam the comments trying just to talk to me, we both found it much easier that way. I liked keeping up to date with all his Vlogs so it saved the time of asking what he's been up to in every video call, another perk with both being involved in YouTube and living so far away.
"Hi summer, how are you?" I gave Summer a quick hug and she smiled at me. It must've seemed odd for her, I couldn't imagine how she must've felt. She's been living an ordinary life and now, she's been brought into a virtual family of YouTubers and she's basically famous, the vlog she was in has already had over a million views in about 20 minutes.
"I'm great, I mean meeting you guys was something pretty amazing any girl would be happy about!" She laughed nervously. I didn't want her to be nervous besides, we are just ordinary people who make videos once or twice a week; our job doesn't take that much skill.
"Aww that's sweet! Are we able to have a little chat?" I whispered to Summer as Alfie and Joe had engaged in conversation. Nala was in the car still and I'd almost forgotten. I knew that Alfie wouldn't forget for long though so now was the perfect time to slip out of the room.
"Um, of course," she was slightly unsure but agreed. Honestly, I'd didn't blame her; it was an odd request. The two of us walked downstairs whilst the three lads were in discussion and were easily distracted. We walked into Joe's room and I closed the door behind me. We sat on the bed and I began to talk.
"So, what exactly happened between you and Caspar and Joe?" I saw her look away but I wasn't going to settle until I'd sorted things out. I knew that when Caspar and Kira broke up, Joe wasn't totally innocent but nor was it all his fault. I didn't need Caspar and Joe falling out over something basically exactly the same as before when that wasn't even entirely true.
"Well, I suppose it started when Joe and I met that night...he basically got water all over him and I helped clean it off his shirt. Then, Caspar came in and got the wrong idea. It all came from there, I guess," she stopped, much to my dismay.
"And?!" I emphasised, wanting her to continue the story and end the painful suspense I was stuck in.
"Well," she giggled before pulling herself together. "Caspar then went to LA, a little after he became overly protective and slightly creeped me out. He was with Britt and I suppose I became slightly jealous because they were getting a little too close. Anyway, I spent that time hangin' with Joe and we became quite good friends," she paused, hopefully not for affect but damn, it worked! I was literally on the edge of the bed, waiting for more. "Well," she's seen the state of my facial expressions, "then I found out that Britt and Caspar kissed-" I let out an unexpected (and unnecessary) gasp. "And then we broke up and well, Joe and I got close and I suppose we are somewhat of an item, I've been saying suppose too much, haven't I?" She clenched her teeth before laughing at her overuse of the word, I could tell she was still nervous talking to me even though she was technically dating my brother.
"Wow, well I knew that talking to you over either of the boys was a better idea, they would just go on about how much of the other guy's fault it was and how innocent they were. It's clear none of you are innocent, no offence," she shook her head and shook her hands in the air.
"None taken!" She added to her actions. I smiled sweetly at her.'I hoped that she was a fan, I'd heard so much about her and she'd seemed like such an amazing girl for both Caspar and now, Joe. "So, do you happen to have read any of the comments on the video, I was, well, scared to see what they'd say," Summer was fidgeting uncontrollably with the tassel on her hoodie. There was no part of me that blamed her. When Alfie and I started going out, the comments were horrible and broke my heart but Alfie told me that people would get used to it and soon enough, Zalfie was born and people started supporting it. It made me feel better that some people were out there making: edits, ship names and videos of the two of us and now, practically everyone supports us in our relationship and it really is amazing.
"Well, someone commented '#Jummer' and I thought that was really cute. Listen," I put a hand on one of hers that was trembling on the tassel. "People are going to hate it because Joe is a ladies man. And he's got many girl fans but to you, your all that matters, don't listen to anyone that hates on you. Me and Alfie went through the exact same thing but eventually, people adapted and now it's regular and popular," a smile appeared on her face and I was so happy. I was able to cheer her up and that made me feel good too.
"Zoë?" Joe burst into his own room, looking for me. "Oh, sorry. Am I interrupting?" Even though he obviously was interrupting, he came in further and leant against the door.
"Not anymore," I said before Summer could, "it's fine, I just wanted to talk to Summer and- get to know her a little," I sigh of relief was released from Summer that I was sure only I could here. I left the two love birds alone and walked back up to make sure Nala was out of the car. Alfie gave me an unsure look as I entered the main room. There was no sign of Caspar anywhere so I explained the whole situation to him, whispering in case of Caspar appearing out of no where.
"Oh, well how long do you think it'll last? Joe is only know for short term relationships..." Alfie- deciding just to blow my cover totally- spoke at his normal tone: loud and deep.
"Well, I hope longer than those, she's a real nice girl, now where's Nala?" I changed the subject just as Joe and Summer began walking into the room.
"She's in the car, I'll go and get her," Alfie left after taking a few moments to realise my sudden change in tone and topic, he left to go and get the adorable pup from the car.
1719 words. Am I crazy? Geez...well, a hell of a lot in Zoë's POV, it won't involve much of Alfie/Zalfie but I think Zoë will get more involved with like trying to keep the relationship going. I'm planning on going up to maybe 45 or 50 chapters I know it's a way to go but I have good plans. I really want ideas for a sequel name no matter how far off it might be. It can't be 'falling for Caspar's roommate 2' or anything because obviously, they've already fallen for one needs to be more into the future and if you choose one I like, you'll get mention in like all my books, profile and main page of the book.

Falling For Caspar's Roommate (Caspar Lee and Joe Sugg Fan Fiction) {#Wattys2015}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt