Chapter 40: First Day

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Summer's POV:
6am. I had never had to wake up this early since I left school and I didn't miss it in the slightest.
When I got to Starbucks, it was deserted- something I wasn't used to- apart from a girl sitting on her own at a table. I was in desperate need of a coffee to wake me up. Paige (I presumed she was the lone girl sitting there) must've noticed me standing there and got up to meet me. She wasn't your typical Australian/Kiwi. She had brown hair placed in a messy bun on the top of her head and was wearing old fashioned, rounded glasses. She was wearing a green apron with her badge on.
"Hey Summer, here," she handed me what looked like a black coffee, just what I needed.
"Oh my goodness, I need this!" I took a huge swig and instantly felt the caffeine kick in. This was definitely two shots, if not three.
"So, the coffee machine," as soon as I sit down, Paige went right into it. I could tell that she was taking this very seriously, training a newbie must have been quite the honour. "First, there's three buttons indicating size: small, medium and large. They do call them other things like grandé, but I don't stick to that. Anyway, there's buttons for the coffees: white, black, latte, cappuccino, mocha, there's lots more, you'll learn them soon. There's water settings too, as well as milk. That all depends on the size," already, the discussion of 'The Coffee Machine' was baffling me. "Next, the Refreshas, now there's a menu and an ingredients list, I've organised it alphabetically so it's easier for you," I slurped my drink from the rim too loudly, causing her to stop.
"Sorry!" I laughed, licking my lips from the froth.
"No it's fine! I'm going a bit over the top, honestly, I don't think you'll need anything but the coffee machine, leave the rest to me," she attempted a wink but ended up simply blinking as another boy walked through the doorway. The boy looked about my age, he had black hair that was scruffy and had shimmering emerald eyes. He swapped his hoodie for a green apron that was hanging on the hook and walked over to us. He grabbed a chair, turned it so it was facing backwards and sat on it, real badboy style.
"And you must be Summer," he smiled, his teeth matched his perfect style.
"And you are?" I replied, the most typical response I could've given to anyone. If Lisa or Zoë were here, they would've tackled me for flirting.
"Zachary, but you can call me Zak," he held out a hand which I grabbed gently and was taken into quite an unintentionally violet shake.
"Feel special, he doesn't let anyone call him that, even me, and I've know him for a year and a half now!" This comment made me blush, I felt it in my cheeks. I let go of his hand and turned my gaze to the creamy ripples in the dark beverage.
"I'm just going to, the bathroom," Zak excused himself awkwardly and as soon as I'd seen him enter the bathroom, I breathed a long sigh.
"Um...WOW!" Exclaimed Paige, she grabbed my shoulders tightly and I looked into her wide eyes.
"Wow what?" I asked, feeling trapped in her grasp.
"He really doesn't let anyone call him that, he so likes you!" For some reason, this made me feel odd yet special, that I was the only person he let call him that.
"I don't know..." I struggled to say and luckily, Paige got the message and let go, placing her hands back on the table, gripping her coffee mug.
"I do! He likes you! Ugh, your so lucky! He's so buff, he has an eight pack, like eight whole-"
"I get it!" I interrupted, I started laughing so it wouldn't seem as rude as intended. All this 'eight pack' talk was making me blush.
"Listen girl, with your beautiful hair," she grabbed a bunch of my hair from the left side of my head and let it go in the air, it flew back down to my head as if magnetically attracted to my cranium, this made me giggle slightly. "...and your sea blue eyes, tanned skin, any guy would die to be with you, but between you and me, is there currently a Mr.Summer?" I shook my head.
"No Mr, but there's a-" I paused, not sure what to call Joe, "there's a complicated relationship," I sighed, I seemed to be doing this a lot recently.
"Say no more," Paige laughed. "So, I think we should get ready, we open in five minutes," I looked at my white watch, it read five to seven. The past half and hour has gone so fast!
"Okay sure," I was pointed towards another green apron with 'Summer' on the name tag and instantly felt proud. I put it on and tied it up at the back. Unfortunately, my knot came undone and I tutted extremely loudly.
"Let me get that," Zak- being a gentleman to totally deflect the badboy image- tied the strings of my apron up into a neat little bow.
"Thanks," I mumbled, tying my hair in a ponytail.
"Don't mention it," Zak walked over and unlocked the door. It's not like it sounds, there wasn't some massive line of people bursting it, in fact, there were no customers for another 15 minutes. At 7:15, we began to get the early wakers coming in and then all the businessmen and women came flooding in, equip with laptop and briefcase, phone call in motion.
I began making coffee after coffee, I left the Refreshas to Paige and Zak cooked the food as well as taking the orders.
"Cool Lime Refresha," I was handed a take-out cup with the name 'Joe' on it. I turned to Paige who wasn't there. I tried making the Refresha but it went wrong: I used orange juice instead of the lime one, I forgot the ice and put a slice of lemon in that was meant to be lime.
"Let me help you with that," Zak came over and helped me, shook the cocktail shaker and poured out the perfect drink. I was embarrassed but thanked him and handed the drink to the Joe guy. I was slightly saddened when I noticed that this Joe who just happened to love Cool Lime Refreshas wasn't my Joe. If he even was my Joe anymore.

Falling For Caspar's Roommate (Caspar Lee and Joe Sugg Fan Fiction) {#Wattys2015}Where stories live. Discover now