Chapter 23: Pregnant?

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Summer's POV:
"This is all such a mess!" I practically screamed aloud as I entered my house. I ditched my keys and my bags by the door and ran straight to the leather couch. Instantly after I jumped onto it, I slipped right back off and landed with a THUD on the floor.
"Argh," I pushed myself back onto the sofa in a sitting position. Holding my head in my hands, I growled angrily. This was the end. I knew that breaking up with Caspar was not only the end to our relationship but also an end to mine and Joe's as well, not that we had much of one anymore anyway. I took my hoodie off and chucked it about a metre and a half across the floor. As much as it was hurting me, I knew it had to be done now or someone would end up getting hurt...even more hurt. Getting up, I headed to the kitchen to find some food to eat my sorrow from. I found a couple of some chocolate bars and some old, stale Oreos. "Nothing much then," I sighed and dumped them on the kitchen counter. Whilst I headed to the fridge to get a glass of Coke, I heard my phone buzz on the counter loudly. I continued to the refrigerator and grabbed the two litre bottle, got a glass and poured out the fizzy black beverage which had actually gone flat. Returning back to the fridge, I heard the phone buzz again, and again, and again.
"For f**** sake!" I cursed before snatching my phone form the cold marble counter. There were texts from Joe and two (million) missed phone calls from my sister. I chose to ring my sister back first because I knew how the conversation with Joseph Sugg would go down.
"Hello?" My sister was fully aware of me and Caspar- even though she had never met him- and she was actually quite proud considering he was my first boyfriend. She's always been kinda the female version of a player, a sl*t, if you will, but she's always been kind enough.
"Oh, Summer," she didn't sound very happy.
"What's up?" I tried to sound enthusiastic myself to avoid having to tell her about the breakup.
"I was going to tell you in person but I didn't know how to all week, listen Summer, I'm pregnant," my mouth dropped wide and I really thought I'd been hearing things.
"Ruby, are you sure?" My sister is only 15 years of age and although she has had many boyfriends (and many sexual encounters) she's always played it safe. I wanted to ask so many more things but I knew it would cost a fortune on my bill.
"Yes! It's been 3 months Summer, I've been hiding it from mum for a while but I can't anymore: I'm eating so much, throwing up and I'm putting on weight which is something I absolutely cannot hide! People at school are getting suspicious too, people are guessing it! What do I tell them?" She was definitely crying now, she sounded angry.
"Wait, who's is it?" I tried to sound calm and just get to the bottom of the whole pregnancy thing, it had to sink in before I could have the ultimate freak out.
"Some guy," oh real helpful, "it was in Ibiza I think, there was some guy. He was British and all but I think we were both too drunk," I sighed, realising that I was disappointed in her for not taking care and- being too young to actually do anything- doing things illegally.
"Listen, I think you should come round to mine and we can talk then, are you free tomorrow around 4?" Tomorrow was Sunday, Sugg-Sunday. Joe hadn't posted in ages and I hoped that he could get one up. I knew that he wasn't a daily Vlogger, but could he at least be a weekly uploader?
"Of course, I'll talk to you then, I can't tell mum yet but maybe you can help me with that too, I've got to go, bye," and with that, the call had seized. I couldn't believe that my sister, my younger sister, was pregnant and she didn't even know who the father was.
I sat down in front of the television before looking at the clock; The time was 7:29pm. "Nearly 7:30," I groaned out loud and I suddenly felt as though I was the voice over for the Big Brother house.
I found myself staring off into whatever sort of distance existed in the blackness of the TV screen. When my phone began to ring and vibrate on the table, I was shocked back to reality and ended up spilling half of my Coke onto the beige carpet.
"Hello?" I leant the phone against my shoulder and got a cloth to clean up the mess I'd created.
"Summer!" The voice seemed frustrated yet had a hint of annoyance and pinch of relief.
"Joe?" I pretended like I didn't know who it was, I'd seen the Caller ID full well, his name was followed by an embarrassed face (😳) and a music emoji (🎧).
"Where have you been? I thought something might have happened to you, I'm literally on my way over, I thought that you may had been upset enough to do something..." Trailing off, I lifted the now soaked cloth off of the floor. I'd not realised quite how much had been spilt but now there was hardly any in the glass that balanced on the side of the slippery sofa.
"No! No, don't come over," I really wanted to be alone, especially to think more about my sister and how exactly I was meant to tell my parents. As much as I liked Joe, it was too soon to start anything up since I'd only just ended things with Caspar. I wouldn't want to run the risk of anything happening by bringing him right to my house.
"Oh, alright," he sounded sad but I had more serious things to worry about, "is everything okay?" Seeming concerned, he asked the hardest question to answer.
"I'm hoooomeee!" I heard Lisa's high pitched voice burst into the house.
"Lisa," I whispered under my breath, hoping she wouldn't heard.
"What's up Summer?" I was unable to tell wether she meant it in a 'what you up to?' way or as in a 'what's wrong?' way.
" and Caspar broke up," was my only way in order to answer both the questions simultaneously.
"Oh my gosh! Are you okay? Are you going to start something up with Joe?" I began to answer Lisa's rolling questions but she took the time to listen, didn't interrupt me and consoled me when the time was right.
When Lisa had finished asking questions, I went up to my room and watched some YouTube videos before falling asleep with my laptop, phone and iPad left on my bed.
I am very sorry if the title of this chapter was misleading and you thought that Summer was pregnant, sadly she isn't but her sister is.
Who's this mystery guy from Ibiza?
It was SO hard to get a chapter up today because of school starting but I managed it and now, I'm going to try and write as much more as I can before bed! It's going to get better, Summer won't be single for loooonnnggggggg!!!!!
Do you prefer Jummer of Saspar?
Really bad ship named, I know but I tried!

Falling For Caspar's Roommate (Caspar Lee and Joe Sugg Fan Fiction) {#Wattys2015}Where stories live. Discover now