15. Sacrifice

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Britney Pov

"Pinpin wake up" I shout hitting his hand. He has been sleeping since we got home last night and it's now midday.

"Fuck, a dream me did a dream" he says wiping his eyes. "Thank god."

"You must know wah you a dream seh, Kahlil and Baka get a lead pon the camera footage from a restaurant nearby. Them want to see you now." I say to him walking off.

"Britney hold up, me dream see Quick funeral inuh." He says running behind me.

"If you nuh leave out now Kahlil go know what to do with you." He runs off to one of the cars outside and drive out the compound at full speed.

It's been two days since Quick's car was shot up and they haven't found his body. They are hoping he escaped and is okay but that's just them being hopeful.

I have been working remotely for the past two days but I did find something out. I need to run it by Kahlil first.

Our relationship is not the best since I ordered some men to hide and protect Stacey from him. He has been trying to kill Stacey but I'm adamant that she should not be killed. Then I entertained Dorian so that is even worse.

I grab my keys heading out to meet up with Dorian since he had invited me for lunch. This time I'm convinced he is related to Darius in some way.

This is the worst time to meet up with a man knowing Kahlil is not stable but I need to know if Dorian is who I think he is.

I pull up to the restaurant and walk over to his section taking a seat.

"Glad you were able to make it Britney and I must say you look gorgeous today." Dorian says smiling.

"Thank you, you have the same pleasantries like someone I once knew." I watch as his smile drops for a bit but he quickly tries to change the subject.

"So why did you become a lawyer?" He says taking a mouthful of vegetables in his mouth.

"The guy I just mentioned that you have the same mannerism like, he suggested that I study law. He was a bad man. I heard they killed him a short while after." I say smiling sweetly at him.

My husband has taught me a few tricks.

"I see, were you close?"

"Like two peas in a pod. If I knew where he is buried I would go look for his grave." I say taking a sip of my drink not breaking eye contact.

He looks a bit tense but tries to play it off as I stand taking some money from my purse.

"No I'll take care of the bill." He says pushing my hand a bit.

"Nope I'll pay for my food. I hope I find where they buried my friend, I'll like to take some black roses to his graveside." I smile walking away and back to my car. I watch as he goes on his phone then walks to the back of the restaurant.

I grab my phone calling Quick's phone and hearing it answer on the second ring.

"How him do now Anthony?" I say to my right hand. Yes he is technically Kahlil's employee but he is my right hand.

"Them remove the bullet them successfully and thing but him still unconscious." He says on the line.

"Keep me posted and Anthony remember nobody in nobody out this is important."

"Yes boss and none of them have their phones. I'll update you tomorrow." He says as I disconnect the call. I'm heading to pick up my husband from the warehouse.

I walk inside Kahlil's office seeing him seated in the chair looking out at space.

"Hey Kahlil I need us to talk."

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