BC104: Thieves' Gambit (Baba Tribe vs. Heroes)-1

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[A gambit is when a player sacrifices a pawn in order to get some kind of compensation, such as a better move. It's a chess term. I think the meaning of the title will be self explanatory with that in mind.]

Royal was groggy for a while after being hit by the Aura-zapper, but he came back to alertness very suddenly when he realized the light had changed.

They must have been in yet another part of the cave.

There was the sound of voices, a lot of them, so many bandits were gathered here.

There were large stone platforms in the middle of the floor of this part of the cavern. It had a higher ceiling than some of the other alcoves, though not as much as the main entrance.

The floor was flatter and wider also, aside from the places which had stakes in them.

Tied to these stakes with both chains and Grimm claws were Emerald, Mercury, Hazel, Esmeralda, Cinder, and some other girl he didn't know. He himself was also.

No one was tied together. There were at least 8 of these platforms.

The ground below them had blood streaks in it and other stains that were less recognizable.

The voices were the bandits talking. They were sitting around the edge of this ring, mostly on the floors or on blankets or stools they must have brought themselves.

The only one sitting apart from the rest, on a sort of throne made of rocks and pillow to cushion it, was Mala herself, holding her knife and regarding them all like the cruel, sadistic monster she was.

["Bad Romance"--Lady Gaga. I swear, if you take the lyrics literally, this song is Mala's theme song.]

They were too far from each other to really talk, but they were exchanging glances, save for Mercury, who was still blinded by the Grimm goo... Royal had no idea what it was, but he hoped it wasn't permanent.

Finally, Mala held up her hand and one of the bandits blew a loud horn.

The talking died down.

Mala spoke loudly, and in the empty space her voice echoed off the walls.

"As you all can see, we have here some of the famed heroes of the world," she said, mockingly. "And their frequent flyer."

Royal winced.

"As well as...our slave." Mala frowned at Esmeralda, who was still shaking from the beatdown she'd gotten earlier.

The other girl was staring at Mala in terror also.

Mala didn't even acknowledge that one.

"It seems one of them has been daring to mess with our heads," she said. "Striker, care to elaborate?"

Striker, appearing from the edge of the area, came up to Emerald and pushed a long rod into her face.

The tribe booed at her angrily.

"Yes, there was never any spirit," Mala said. "It was all her. I think such an offense should be punished, don't you?"

They cheered in agreement.

"But wait, there's more." Mala pointed. "This wretch has also killed our prized Doctor Lovecraft and his assistant. Dead where they stood."

More angry cries.

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