BC20: Wise (Snow Archer and Co.)-1

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Winter turned to spring very gently that year, and the 3rd year anniversary of Deliverance Day approached.

Vacuo always made a big deal out of it, with a huge party on the actual day and dramatic reenactments of the tale--what was known of it.

Oscar's book seemed like it would never be done.

He visited Vacuo, while on spring break in Beacon, to ask Weiss and Meridian for more details for his book.

"Just how much of this is going to be left the same?" Weiss asked.

"Well, some of it is mostly the same. Some of it I have to change so no one knows who Shine and Wally really were," he explained. "It's hard."

"I don't envy you that task, laddie," Meridian said amiably, since it wasn't him writing it.

"I feel like you're the one we knew the least about," Oscar said to him. "That's partly why I want to ask you for more. I mean...one question people ask me a lot at Beacon is what we're all doing now. Did we live happily ever after? I guess some of them don't follow the news about us very well."

"Did we live happily ever after?" Meridian looked at Weiss. "What do you think, Snow Tiger?"

"I think it's a little early to say 'ever after'," Weiss said carefully. "But happily, sure. I've been happy. In fact it's been nice to be happy. The longer I go outside my father's house, the less real it all seems to me. Not that you ever forget, I guess, but.... And the same with the horrible things we saw on the mission. They seem like nightmares. Though I heard Emerald and Mercury found some of them...but thankfully, we haven't seen them here. In fact, not one Grimm has crossed the borders of Vacuo since we set up those music stands, not in three years. The city's been the safest it's ever been. I guess the Apathy scare made them realize stealing wasn't so bright."

She huffed as if that should have been easy to realize.

"So how do you get on with them?" Oscar put a pen to his mouth the way authors do. "Still having trouble?"

"Oh, no, they love her now," Meridian said.

"I think I've gotten used to how things work around here," Weiss shrugged.

"So what will you do after you graduate?" Oscar asked.

"You sound like the reporter who came here to ask us that," Weiss said. "I guess people always wanted to know what the Schnees are doing."

[I hope that doesn't make them the Kardashians of this world.]

"I like being popular," Meridian said.

"Well...I have been thinking about it." Weiss rubbed her knee. "I don't know if I want to just be a huntress. I like helping people, but I never really liked the fighting part that much. I'm not like Winter there. Or Ruby, even. I took other classes--though it was hard to do that here. I've also read Shine's entire book list."

"Oh, wasn't it eye-opening?" Oscar perked up. "I didn't know people thought about all the things those authors did. It was like meeting friends who actually understood the things I wonder about."

"Yeah, it was," Weiss agreed. "But it got me thinking that there's a real lack of that in Remnant. I wonder if our world must have seemed pretty empty to Shine and Wally while they were here. So much of what we do is focused on surviving, killing, fighting. I mean, our art is even mostly just about that. The things their books describe sound different. Like there's worlds where people don't all think about potentially dying because of monsters."

"We aren't always going to have that," Oscar mused. "Eventually."

"So what will we do then, is what she was thinking," Meridian said. "That's all these people know. Certainly all the ones in this kingdom know. To be honest, half of them wouldn't know what to do with themselves if they weren't in poverty and constant battles. I don't mind a good scrap, but I admit, it's not all I want. Especially since meeting Weiss. She's so refined, makes you think life could be different."

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