BC43: New (Snowbird & Co. Continued)

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["I'll Keep You Safe"--Sleeping at Last]

"You okay?" Shine asked Qrow, who was pacing around the edge of the parking lot.

He didn't even act surprised she was there.

"Oh sure," flatly.

Shine tilted her head.

"I just...didn't want there to be any problems," Qrow said. "I mean, I probably already jinxed it to be early."

Shine smacked him in the arm.

"Ow, what was that for?" Qrow rubbed his arm.

"That was for Winter. She would have if she was here," Shine explained. "Really, Qrow, stop saying it."

"I know we agreed not to dwell on it, but you can't argue that it's possible...even if it's just because I was being negative," Qrow said.

"It might be, but, Qrow, millions of births in my world go wrong or all kinds of reasons, and million more don't. It's just how it is," Shine said. "Don't worry too much. It's only about 2 months or less early. Hardly any babies at that age don't make it. Just takes a few extra days in the hospital, that's all."

"Well, it's not that I don't want to be in there. It's just that I'm not sure I could control it right now." Qrow was perspiring.

"I suppose if you'll feel better. I mean, heck, they don't even let men in in some places," Shine shrugged. "Willow is with her. I'm sure she'll stay calm. She's been through this three times. I wonder if Jacques freaked out."

"Maybe," Qrow said. "If he wasn't made of money inside by then."

"Sometimes it's a slow change," Shine mused. "Other than the Semblance thing, how are you holding up?"

"Oh, fine." Qrow paced some more. "Just wondering how well I'll do at this.... I can't say parental skills are my strong suit."

"I don't know that I'd agree with you there," Shine said simply.

"One of your pep talks isn't a replacement for years of experience, I'm afraid," Qrow said.

"No, I don't suppose it is," Shine acknowledged. "But, Qrow, it's okay, really. No one is perfect, as a parent or as a person. Whatever you do, you could not be worse than some of the dads of our little team. So cheer up. As long as that's what they have to compare you to, you'll look like you're doing well."

Qrow managed a weak laugh, but didn't look convinced.

"Well, if humor isn't doing the trick, I could just say I think you'd make a good dad," Shine said. "I wish I had someone like you when I was growing up. I think Ruby and Yang are fortunate."

"Oh, get out," Qrow said. "I was barely around."

"Well, there were reasons for that, but quality over quantity is more important, I think. I suffered through long, tension filled game nights, car rides, church services, and other events with my own father," Shine said. "I only fondly remember a few of them. I think you should feel better that most of their memories of you are positive, even if they're fewer than with their dad. That's the main thing, the overall quality, not having some bad moments."

She put her hands together. "To be straight with you, you will mess up. You'll say things you shouldn't have. You'll lose your cool. And so will Winter... more likely in her case, in fact. And one day, you may get told that your kids hate you."

Qrow winced.

"But don't buy it," Shine said. "If you're doing what's right, they'll come around, trust me. Kids aren't always wise, but they know deep down when someone really cares about them. They'll come back to that. I've fought with kids my whole life, never really stuck, because I made sure to pour that love in also. Love fixes a lot. I know I'm not a dad, but, anyone who wants to take care of kids has to go through this. We're not going to do everything right--but we want to. That's the main thing. I'm saying you freaking out about it is a good sign.... Is Winter worried?"

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