Chapter XVIII: The Final Countdown

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Narrator's P.O.V.

     Nicole was angered of what Kiara said, especially that they are surrounded by media. Ron managed to reach out for his gun and pointed it to Nicole as she was about to shoot Kiara. Nicole pulled the trigger to shoot Kiara but Andrew manages to get Kiara out of the way. Nicole disappointed about the numerous changes in her plan, pushes the button to start the countdown timer for the bomb. Just as she did this, Nicole was finally shot by the sharpshooter squad situated by the building across the infamous cathedral. They thought it was all over, until they found out the bullet penetrated though Nicole and made its may as a stray bullet into Macey's body, she was accidentally shot.

     They all ran to Macey as the two collapsed to the ground. The family was in the grieve situation, they tried to put Macey above the life line as they worried of her deeply. Macey fell as she made her final smile to them before passing out. There was a watch ticking, Nicole had the timer on her watch, the family recalled about he bomb, but realized it was also too late to get out. They gathered in a circle awaiting their final 10 seconds of living their fragile lives...











... *EXPLOSION* ...

Memories To Expect Are Faded Out
     # ! @ % $ ^ ) * ( & Nothing To Tell You Know ) $ ! ( ^ @ & % ^ It's up to you to know the truth... * $ ) ! % This time I won't be here to tell... ! ~ ) * ^ % $ You have to know the family's end and their fate... * % @ ) ! Memories To Expect, Future To Look Forward, Fade Out...


There's Chapter 18! This was the original ending of the story, until it was further edited as 5 new chapters were added. Though the 5 new chapters may be more detailed events and fates of the family, the epilogue was untouched... :) Yes, the memories to expect are now gone and it's up to you to find out the real truth to everything... To take back the Stolen Memories... Don't forget to comment and vote! :)

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