Chapter XIII: The Wedding Plan

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Ron's P.O.V.

     I arrived from the mall with some pizza for the family as Sarafina was also to arrive that afternoon. It has been 2 weeks since I proposed to Sarah, and I think we should start planing. I also knew that her purpose of her coming here is for the wedding planning. I arrived home as I brought the food to the kitchen. The maids were all in action as they fixed some mess that wasn't even there just when I left. I knew something happened when I was gone, so I went upstairs to ask Macey. "Macey? Macey???" I went upstairs to look for her. I found her in her room throwing all her stuff everywhere. "What's going on Macey?" Out of curiosity, I began asking her what was going on as she won't mind nor talk back to me. I just manage to catch her talking to herself saying "Where's that freaking book?!"

     Later, Sarah arrived as I went downstairs to find mom. I was right, she was here for the wedding planning as I offered her some iced coffee. We went to the library to get on with it as I saw mom at the kitchen slicing some fruits. Just today, she called for a professional wedding planner that will suit the venue. It has been 2 hours and she still didn't find anyone who has the right schedule. Just as I was about to help her, we bump into mom as she volunteers to help. According to her experiences, she was a great wedding planner such that her friends pay her for a perfect wedding, and those weddings were even the most known weddings in history. Well, as she came in, we ultimately granted her offer. This time, she wasn't into the simplicity and cost, but the beauty of the wedding. As she didn't plan their wedding with dad, I just hope this will be a lot better than their wedding. Soon, we headed to the library to study some of her spectacular plans, such as the ones which were successful in the previous weddings she planned. The plan calls for a theme she conceptualizes as "Infinity" featuring our undying love for each other despite the obstacles we have come through all our life. It was a great theme, so we immediately nodded to it. As mom found a suitable venue for the wedding, she thought of having it at the cathedral. Well, we all knew that it's beautiful there, and it was then she has released a new wedding feature in years of planning. As mom was a biologist, the plan also calls for a secondary theme which calls for thousands of butterflies of different species to be released inside the cathedral, which makes them later escape through the once in a lifetime opened "oculus" in the cathedral. This makes the butterflies escape which gives a "Blooming Love" for everyone to know that we are finally united. It might be very expensive, but the effect will last as it will be eye-catching and spectacular for the viewers.

     Those butterflies aren't only for show, but for the signal when the Doves are released into the air. Mom was then suggesting to have it on my birthday, but I declined as most occasions that happen on my birthday are spoiled as someone might get killed again. "Awww... Don't worry my little Ronnie! It'll be fine, nothing has recently happened in your past birthdays." Mom told me to not to worry as I changed my mind. As we both agreed to finalize the plan with her, mom stated that this will be one of of the biggest events in the family as a birthday and as a wedding. We all knew this will be the time where the cathedral will be greatly adorned once more. Further brainstorming with her, Sarah asked me if the wedding could be aired on TV. I thought twice, in that situation, it wouldn't be private anymore, but safer sue to the fact that it could also act as a surveillance monitor. Hours have passed and we still continued to brainstorm. My little sister macey came in the library to look for some book that she has been missing all day. "Hey Macey, what's with that book anyways? Can't you just tell me?" I asked her in curiosity as she finally agreed to reply to me. "I'm just looking for this book my friend gave to me which was about simple fashion. You this book really means a lot to me since it had the dress assigned to us for the school play..." She replied to us in disappointment as she spent hours looking for it. Later, Sarafina bothered to ask an offer to her. "Aren't you good in designing clothes Macey? I think I remember you being the designer of the attire for the Christmas ball. I loved it!" Macey turned her back immediately turned her back and finally smiled. "Yes Ma'am! Thanks! Why so?" Sarah turned to me as she chuckled. "Your sister would make a great gown designer... Maybe she could help!" Macey smiled as she laughed softly. "Nooo... I'm not that good anyway..." Though she declined, mom immediately spoke and said "YOU'RE HIRED!" which despised Macey to do it. "This will be my first time to do something great! It might be hard and embarassing, but it would be such an honor to help!" She walked away and left the library as mom was growing tired. I stood up and went to the kitchen to grab some tea as they rested for a moment. As soon as I returned, we continued with the brainstorming as night made its way.

♣An Attempt That Will Destroy A Family For The Next Chapters♣

     You are going to bite your nails off as you are going to expect a twisted reality in the next chapters...


There's Chapter 13! The nightmare shall begin in the next chapter... But are you sure that ONLY a nightmare will happen? Stay tuned :) Don't forget to tell me about what you think and don't forget to vote! ^^

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