Chapter XXII: Romantic Consolidation

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Narrator's P.O.V.

   They slowly approached Sarafina and Ron fell over her and started to cry. He remarked that if it wasn't for him, Sarafina wouldn't be in this condition right now. The devastated man continued to regret what he had done and continued to cry... Until more tears rolled down his face and landed on Sarafina's lips...

     Moments later, the languished woman wakes up and hugs Ron. She became weaker and weaker after she woke up and the two have a romantic conversation. Ron promises that he will never let go of her and promise he will be always by her side. The devastated princess kisses his prince and tells him that one day, they will live happily ever after and have a better life after all this "drama" they are in. The two continue to nuzzle for the rest of the hours until both grew tired...



Yeah, this is the shortest chapter in this story. That's all for Chapter 22! it may not be enough, but I wish you guys enjoyed this story. Do you like the story so far? Tell me what you think by commenting in the section below. If you think the story really deserves to be voted, then do so. :) The last chapter is coming up... Enjoy!

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