apparently derek is my 'babysitter', this will be fun, also imma kill dad for it

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WARNING: this chapter contains mentions of an eating disorder, and a shit ton of cursing. This is your warning and only warning.

Third Person's POV

Tossing, turning. Were Sydney's enemies when all she wanted was a decent amount of sleep, but lately she hasn't been so lucky of getting what she wants. She remembers exactly how her nightmare happened, every little detail. She knows that when her Dad gets back from a case that he had that he isn't gonna be happy to hear that she hasn't slept all night and hasn't eaten in two days. Luckily Sydney has a father who talks her through all of her shit and wants to fully understand the situation before he starts to assume everything. 

It's been a couple days since the prank war between Spencer, Sydney and Morgan and a case in  between the days as Sydney has been at school. Thank God she's only had one bad night since then. She's working on more techniques of calming herself down after one, especially when her Dad's not there.

She's making herself a sandwich at two in the morning as she isn't sorry about it. Then again she hasn't eaten for days. She hasn't been hungry today as she knows why as when she has these kind of nights, she doesn't eat and sleep. She'll starve herself until she sleeps. That's just how she's always done it. 

She sighs as she goes to the TV and turns it on getting it a second to load, then she clicks on the first thing that she sees, not really caring what it is. She knows that her sandwich is the only thing that she hasn't eaten all day. She looked down at her messy made peanut butter sandwich and sheds a tear as she pushes it aside not being hungry anymore. She sighs again as she closes her eyes as she purses her lips as she didn't hear the front door open not even bothering to look to see who it was.

Moments later she heard the squeaky floor board which is right behind the couch. Which meant that someone was here. It wasn't Derek's expensive cologne, and it wasn't definitely not JJ and or Emily because they would complain of the dim lighting. "What do you want?" She asks the person as she's 100% percent sure that it's her father but at this point she doesn't care who it is.

But she knew one thing. It was her Dad.

"Why aren't you in bed?"

"What do you think? I'll give you five seconds to figure it out." Sydney says snippy as Spencer puts his stuff down on the kitchen counter before making his way back towards his daughter.

"That bad, huh?"

"Hey, you're using your brain, I'm so proud of you." Sydney said as she offered her sandwich to her father but he could see right through her. He shook his head denying her offering her messy peanut butter sandwich.

"I need you to be honest with me?" Spencer asks her as Syd avoided eye contact as she knew the question he was going to ask immediately. She has tears welling up in her eyes as she was trying so hard to break down as she tighten her jaw to stop herself from crying. "When was the last time you eaten?" Spencer asks taking note of his daughter's facial expressions. He already knew what the answer was going to be. 

He knew that she was going to have a breakdown, as he knew that look in her eyes. Sydney is feeling a lot of emotions right now, as they're all happening at once and it's freaking her out. "I don't wanna talk about it."

"Syd." Reid says to his daughter as he wasn't gonna leave until she tells him. He knew that he had to be calm otherwise his emotions is going to transfer to Sydney. That's the way that it goes. If he's mad, she's mad. If he's calm she's most likely calm. If he's sad, she's having a breakdown. Etc.

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