there's some awkward tension between derek and penelope

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Third Person's POV

It was a bad night for Sydney as she hadn't gotten sleep the entire night and until they got to the BAU. But thank the fucking gods that today was a Saturday, which means the weekend. That part she's grateful to say the least. It wouldn't have been so bad if her and her Dad didn't watch a four hour long movie. It wasn't technically a 'bad' night, just one of those nights where she couldn't sleep and kept tossing and turning.

It wasn't all that terrible to say the least but she'd appreciate sleeping in until three in the afternoon. But atlas, her father wouldn't let her sleep that late, noon at the latest. But definitely not three in the afternoon. He's the party pooper of situations, which is what she calls him everytime he's a party pooper. Or a Debbie Downer.

But thank the gods she did manage to fall asleep and it was the best fucking sleep that she's ever had. At least it feels like it. But sadly, she was woken up by her father as he had gotten an email from Hotch telling him about the case that they have. 

"Syd! Gotta get up!" Spencer says as his daughter was in the middle of the bed, completely covered, and in a fetal position. She was knocked the fuck out, as her snoring was the only way to give off that she was knocked out. 

She snores but only when she's knocked out. Or when she fell asleep four hours ago. But she's not gonna mention that to him. He walked to her bed and had a small smile on his face before he went into her bed. He took off the covers, which made her not flinch at all. He thought that she would flinch. 

"Syd." He says to her which made her moan in her sleep. "Get dressed, we have a case."

"On a S-saturday?" She asks as she lifts her head up to her dad who is giving her a look. "Fine." She says as before she can comprehend articles of clothing being thrown at her face. "What the hell, man!"

"Just get dressed." He tells her as he walks out of her bedroom to get his own stuff for the day. Moments later Sydney walked out of her room, glaring at her father as they walked down the stairs, and when he wasn't looking she stuck out her tongue at him, making him chuckle to himself.

"You love me."

"No, I do not." He tells her as they walk to his car and she grumpily gets into it as they head to the BAU, so Spencer can go on this case, and then get back to Syd, all before hopefully dinner. 

Key word: hopefully.


The team had a case down in Atlantic City, home of poker players and gamblers. Sydney noticed that Penelope wasn't presenting the case as she was late this morning. She's never late.

"Danny Savino, the floor manager at Sapphire Lady Casino in Atlantic City was found dead in his office this morning." Hotch presented. 

"Blunt force trauma to the head. An empty wallet and money clip left next to the body." Rossi tells them as Sydney and her dad shared some coffee that they got on the way here. She noticed a disheveled Penelope walking into the room. 

She apologizes for being late as Reid is rubbing Sydney's back as she had one of her bad nights. "Sorry, sorry." She takes a spot in between Sydney and JJ.

"How's the head?" JJ whispers to Penelope. "Not all the aspirins in all the pharmacies..." Penelope whispers as Derek waves at Penelope as she avoids eye contact with him. 

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