☞F O U R T Y - F O U R

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Nathan Maloley

Thursday, 2:39pm:

Roselyn walks out of the bedroom, her beautiful figure hiding beneath jeans and a Christmas sweater. She looks adorable. Her make up is done to perfection, even though she doesn't need it, any of it.

She combs her fingers through her curled hair and smiles as she sees me watching her. "You look beautiful baby." I smile, she blushes and shakes her head.

"It's an old Christmas sweater."

I shrug my shoulders and stand up from the couch to wrap my arms around her waist, kissing her jawline. "Still, you look beautiful, you always do," I grin, lacing my hand with hers.

My grin grows bigger as I feel the cold band around her ring finger, I bring her hands up to my lips and kiss them both. "I gotta' surprise for you."

"Another one?" She laughs, wrapping her arms around my neck, I place my hands on her hips and nod before kissing her quickly and walking to the front door.

River and Rito quietly sneak in whilst Roselyn whines from the living room about the surprise I've got her. I gesture for them to go ahead and surprise her just how we had planned.

Since River's accident, he didn't want his little sister to see him in his conditions so she stayed, and with our little surprise inside of her she hasn't been in the mood to travel anywhere further than work or McDonald's.

I laugh, waiting in the hallway to let them have their family time, hearing Roselyn squeal and cry.

I hear River playfully groan in pain, he still has the bandages on his ribs because they're not healing as quick as expected. "Nate you little fucker, come here!" I laugh and walk in, smiling when she attacks me in a hug.

I try not to squeeze back too tight incase I squish her stomach. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank y-"

"Okay little Rosa, he gets the point." Rito laughs, ruffling her hair. She pours and sticks her tongue out at him.

The siblings take a seat in the living room and catch up, I watch from the kitchen whilst making their coffee. "Did uh, mom or dad ask about me?" She asks softly.

Rito and River look at eachother and sigh, before holding onto their little sister's hands. "Mom did, she told us to send you her love." River weakly smiles.

"And dad?"

"He uh, hasn't mentioned you since you left," he replies, Rito quickly intervenes.

"But that doesn't mean he doesn't love you, he does he just needs time to calm down and get over the fact that his little Rosa ain't so little anymore." He chuckles, assuring Roselyn with a hug.

Roselyn Belo

Thursday, 5:21pm:

Nate rubs the back of my hand with his thumb, smiling at me when he's not focused on the Christmas movie that plays on the Jacks' TV in their home. We organised to spend Christmas with close friends, and my two brothers, at Jack Gilinsky's and Jack Johnson's home on the other side of town.

"Hey Roselyn, do you want some wine? We got red, white, rosé-"

"I'm good, thanks Jack." I smile to the blonde haired, blue eyed cutie.

I see Danielle roll her eyes at me, I shrug it off and lean over to kiss Nate's cheek. "When are we telling them?" I whisper.

He looks back as me with a growing grin. "Somebody will notice your ring no matter how hard you try to hide it," he laughs, gesturing to my left hand which is tucked under my leg. "And we'll tell them about the pregnancy on New Year's Day."

I reveal my hand, I had been nervous of everybody's reaction; that's why I've hid my hand since we arrived. Neither Rito or River had noticed.

"New Year's day it is then."

• • •

Shit chapter, I know. Kinda had writer's block so bare with me.

Next chapter will be a lot more interesting, I promise.

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