☞N I N E

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Nathan Maloley

Sunday, 6:23pm:

The cutlery bangs and scrapes on plates, the hum of hushed chatter surrounds us, the quiet eighties music plays in the background; setting the eighties theme in this old, funky diner.

My beautiful girlfriend sits opposite me, smiling at the chilled atmosphere around us. What is she doing with a guy like me? A fuck up like me? She could have any guy on his knees for her, an intelligent guy that left school with clean grades and went on to college and university, a guy with a stable career and impressed her parents enough to be his full self in front of them.

But no, she got me. A guy with no stable career who barely passed high school, dropped out of college a week in and who can't be himself around her parents, he's got to lie about everything, everything he says to her parents is a lie. I'm barely making it on my weak wage down at the bar, Roselyn Belo is the only thing that keeps me going.

I guess the thought of Roselyn with a guy who is better than me was good at the start until I began mentally working myself up. Roselyn's beautiful smile had faded and a worried expression etched onto her pretty face.

"Nate, what's wrong?" She asks, noticing my clenched fists laying on the table, my strained jaw too.

I knock it off, relaxing into my chair. "N-Nothing, don't worry about it." I weakly smile, she frowns at my lies but drops it; not wanting to ruin our night.

"New update, this is now my favourite diner." She laughs to herself, looking around the place. The light glimmered in her chocolate brown eyes, I couldn't help but stare.

"Noted and remembered." I chuckle, I always do remember her cute little updates. She's adorable, who wouldn't be lucky to have her?

There's no other girls in the world like my Roselyn, she's one of a kind. Rare yet so relatable and easy to get on with, she's everything I could ever wish for.

This girl well and truly has every last piece of me.


We took a stroll around town, enjoying eachother's company and holding hands. Her hands are always so soft and warm, they fit perfectly with mine. As cliche and sentimental as that sounds; it's true.

Roselyn says something, tugging on my hand as we lay on her bed. I plan to stay over tonight, considering I can't tomorrow because of work.

I hum in reply, not catching what she said because I was too busy staring at her. She rolls her pretty brown eyes and giggles, laying her head across my chest and looking up at me, as if she was listening to my heartbeat. "Penny for a thought." She says again, a smile curving onto her lips, showing her one dimple.

I've always thought her one dimple was adorable, considering she didn't have two; it's unique, it's considered a flaw in her eyes but it's a perfection in mine.

"Kiss for a thought and you got me." I smirk.

She sits up and kisses me before playing with my hand on her lap, tickling my palm. She always does that when we chat, she can't sit still.

Another perfection of hers.

"I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you in my life." I inform, she awes and kisses my hand.

I turn back to the TV, smirking when she sighs. She said a thought.

She kisses me again, so I elaborate. "Without you, I don't know where I'd be. Most probably in Sam's house smoking my life away," I shrug, she kisses me again. "And you make me so happy, I'm so grateful to have you. I'm happy to get all mushy and cliche with you, I'd pick you over anybody in the world. I'm gonna' do everything and anything for your happiness in return of mine." She kisses me after every thought and soon I'm spilling my heart out to her, telling her everything I love about her.

She stops kissing me after a while and wipes her eyes, halfway through my thoughts she had cried happy tears.

I reach up and wipe her soft, wet cheeks. "And that's not even close to half of the things I love about you." I state and it's true.

I could walk into a room with a stranger and ramble on about every single little detail of Roselyn for days on end, by the end of it they'd feel as if they had knew her for years.

Roselyn gets up and switches off the lights, placing her cat on the floor so she can climb in beneath the covers beside me, she cuddles up to my side and I kiss the top of her head. She turns the TV back up and we watch it in peace, I stroke her shoulder absentmindedly whilst we watch The Big Bang Theory reruns, her favourite TV show.

Roselyn Belo

Sunday, 6:23am:

I wake up to a knock on my door, I groan at the loud noise ripping me from my sweet dreams before rolling over to resume my sleeping. "Who is it?" Nate whispers.

"I don't know, go back to sleep." I whisper back, snuggling further into my bed.

The door swings open, River and Rito walk in with big smiles on their faces, almost smug. "Go away," Nate grumbles, lifting the covers over our heads. "It's too early." He adds.

"No can do, we're under strict orders to get little Rosa here up and ready for work." Rito laughs, tugging on the covers but Nate doesn't let go.

"Work?" I question, peaking at them.

"Yes, Mom is taking you to work now let's go." River informs and tugs on my legs from the bottom of the bed to drag me out.

"Why? I'm perfectly capable of staying home on my own, I'm eighteen." I whine, falling into the floor with a thud.

"Exactly her point, you need to get out of the house and become an adult she says, earn some keep." He chuckles, picking my arms up to pull me up to my feet and shove me into the bathroom.

"Earn some keep? I'm barely an adult and she's already wanting to take money off me? She has enough of it." I scold, locking the bathroom door to shower.

"Her words not ours, don't shoot the messengers." Rito laughs before I hear their footsteps retreating.

Right before I get in the shower, I unlock the door and open it just a little whilst smirking to myself; knowing Nate will be in here like a shot.

And he is.

• • •

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