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3 months later..

Roselyn Belo

Saturday, 7:02pm:

I sit opposite my parents, squeezing Nate's hand nervously. My father looks at us, waiting for one of us to speak and to be honest, I think Nate needs to make this call because I'm so nervous. I know I shouldn't be, after all I am eighteen; I'm legal to do what I want and please except for drink.

"So?" Dad trails off, still waiting to after minutes of sitting here in our living room.

Nate looks and me and opens his mouth to speak, I show no signs of protesting. "Uh Roselyn and I were just wondering what you would say if we, more so Roselyn, were to move to LA."

I feel a weight being lifted off my shoulders even if it wasn't me who addressed the situation. My dad's small smile fades, a blank facade visible. "No." Is all he says and my heart drops.

"What?" I plead, looking from him to my mom, she sits there like a blank canvas too; I have no idea what her feelings are.

"I said no." He repeats and stands, brushing us off and walking out of the room. I raise up and follow him, a sudden irritation or annoyance taking over my mind.

"I think you're wrong to say that dad, I'm eighteen." I state, following him to his office where he picks up a glass and fills it.

"Eighteen and still living under my roof, no. I said no." He shrugs, gulping the liquid down in one before refilling it.

"But I'm asking to move out-"

"No you're not Roselyn, you're asking to move away, not move out; there's a big difference." He states, filling his third glass up.

"Fine, let me rephrase," I sigh in annoyance. "Dad, what do you think about me and Nate moving away?" I ask, Nate walks in to stand beside me.

"I think it's a terrible idea and it's not happening." He retorts, Nate puts his arm around my waist and tries to pull me back from this heated discussion.


"Sir to you." He spits, I furrow my eyebrows.

My dad has always let Nate call him by his name. "Sir-"

"No Nate call him Carlo, dad you're being so childish." I yell, Nate again attempts to pull me back.

"Me? I'm being childish? You're the one wanting to run away with a guy who hasn't got a stable career and probably won't even afford to keep you both afloat, if I let you go you'd be out on the streets in no time." He yells, slamming his glass down on the bar.

I groan loudly. "Why is everything about money with you? Can't you realise we're both happy and want to do this? And don't speak about him like that, we're going out there to build his career-"

"You're not going anywhere." He scoffs, pouring some whiskey into his glass.

"Can you atleast think about it? We're going to move anyway whether you like it or not, I'm an adult." I yell, Nate tries to calm me down but it's no use.

It's like something snapped in my dad, he turns around with a calm demeanour. He straightens himself out and sips his drink slowly, placing it down with a soft thud. The room falls silent.

"If you go," he starts, looking me dead in the eye. "You won't be coming back."

My lips part. "Please tell me you're hearing yourself right now?" I scoff, he turns his back to us and mixes alcohol to make himself yet another drink.

"Roselyn just leave it." Nate sighs, holding onto my hand to pull me out of the room.


"Listen to your boyfriend Roselyn." Dad says, I stare at him for a few moments before ragging my hand out of Nate's and stomping past my mom, upstairs to my bedroom.

I shut my bedroom door and sit on my window seat, picking up my book and glasses to calm down.


I open my bedroom door to check downstairs to see whether Nate had left or not, I've not seen him since we were in the office; it's been three hours.

As I step out of my room, I'm startled by Nate's body sitting against the wall, I furrow my eyebrows and crouch down to his height.

I run my thumb over his cheek and kiss his forehead, waking him up. "Baby why are you out here?" I ask, sitting down on the floor beside him. The light from my room illuminates the hallway just enough for me to see him.

"You needed space." He replies quietly, rubbing his tired eyes.

I laugh at how adorable he is. "Not for three freaking hours, go and lay down, I'm getting a drink. Do you want one?" I ask, helping him to his feet.

He kisses my cheek and nods his head, walking to my bed. "Water please." He says, I smile and continue my journey to the kitchen where my mom is.

I ignore her, she didn't even bother to defend me. "What are you doing still awake?" She questions, sitting at the island on a stool.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot I was a five year old and have a bedtime." I reply, not sparing her a glance as I take out a glass and a cup.

"Roselyn I didn't mean it like that," she quietly scolds. "You're normally asleep by now." She says.

"No I'm normally sitting reading until 2am, shows how much you know." I respond, switching the kettle on to make myself a cup of tea.

"Are you acting like this because I didn't say nothing? I didn't agree to let you fly over to California to get there and realise you can't afford to live there, the jobs won't pay enough-"

"You're so money orientated and it's pretty disgusting. Nate and Sam have earned enough money over these three months to buy an apartment, they've worked so hard for the money and do you want to know how much they've got in total now? $6,300. And that's just for three months, add on my $500 a month which takes it to $7,950. That's more than enough already and there's still time which adds up more money and before you've even realised how wrong you both were; we'll be in California, proving that we could do it." I slam my hand down on the counter, working myself up before quickly making the drinks and walking back upstairs to my room.

I push the door open with my foot and see Nate fast asleep, snoring quietly. I smile and place his drink on the bedside table before lifting the covers over his body and kissing his forehead.

"We're going to make it baby." I whisper, stroking his hair.

• • •


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