☞T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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Roselyn Belo

Saturday, 5:54pm:

Nate wanted to get high with me too, so we went inside and locked all the doors. We dried ourselves off and changed into comfy clothes; sweatpants and hoodies.

Placing the blunt between his lips, Nate inhales and folds his legs as we sit facing eachother on our bed. We're listening to Big Poppa by The Notorious B.I.G, my newfound favourite rapper.

I'm loving freedom.

Nate then pulls me closer, parting my lips with his thumb. He leans even closer and cups my face, exhaling the smoke into my mouth by pressing our lips together. He smirks as I inhale it all and hold it in my mouth, unsure of what to do with it, before blowing it all out as he pulls away.

"That was a shotgun kiss." Nate chuckles, kissing my cheek before inhaling some more and blowing it out of his mouth - inhaling it through his nose and blowing it all out again.

"How the fuck do you do that?" I giggle, resting my forehead on his shoulder.

"Practice makes perfect baby, years of experience." He laughs, handing the blunt to me.

I hesitantly wrap my lips around the end of it, inhaling it before coughing it all out. "Slow baby." Nate chuckles, rubbing my back.

I giggle and hand it back to him.

Nathan Maloley

Saturday, 8:12pm:

Roselyn lays on the floor, in her underwear whilst she giggles and blows smoke out of her mouth.

It's a sight from heaven.

"If one synchronised swimmer drowns, do the others drown too?" She asks, pulling the joint away from her lips to puff the smoke out in small amounts, still giggling.

I laugh at her pointless question, inhaling from my blunt. I got her to try a joint and she said she preferred them over blunts.

"No baby, they don't." I laugh, resting my blunt on the edge of the ashtray before leaning over and grabbing our bedroom door key.

I locked us in, not trusting her first high. "Well why are they called synchronised swimmers if they don't do everything in sync huh?" She asks, standing up with a bit of a stumble before following me out of the room despite my protest.

She skips down the hallway in her underwear, past the living room where Grace and Sam are currently making out, to the kitchen. I guess she's got the munchies.

"Nathan! Look!" She yells, catching all of our attention. I turn to look at her rooting through the fruit bowl, squealing when she finds a green apple.

If I wasn't focused on looking after her, I would have been mad that she's only in her underwear in front of Sam - whether he's single or not, nobody can see her like this.

She hops onto the counter, congratulating the apple on it's amazing role in Monster's Inc. Sam, Grace and I all burst out laughing, making her frown.

"Hey, you're hurting Mike's ears!" She scolds loudly, making us laugh even harder. "Oh wait, he hasn't got ears, shit." She giggles, stroking the apple.

High Roselyn Belo is the shit.

At this point, Grace is crouched on the floor from laughing so hard. Sam nudges me and walks over to Roselyn, picking the apple out of her hand to bite a big chunk out of it.

Her red eyes begin to water, her bottom lip quivers, her face reddens - all the signs of her distress.

I rush over to her, cupping her face as she bursts out crying. "You great, big, massive idiot! You killed Mike! Nathan he murdered him! Somebody call the cops! Sam you murderer!" She screams, trying to push me out of the way to lunge for Sam as he laughs and continues to eat the apple. "What is Sully going to do without his best friend?" She cries, finally giving up with her fight and settles for cuddling me.

I shush her, trying my very best not to laugh as I stroke her hair. "Baby it's okay, he isn't dead, he's fine." I assure.

She continues to cry, sobbing against my shoulder as she wraps her legs around my waist and pulls me closer to her. "Sullivan. Where's Sully? We need to tell him," She cries, wiping her nose as she looks up and around for Sully.

I glare at Sam and Grace as they laugh together, loudly, making Roselyn cry even more. "Why are they laughing at me? Tell them to stop." She sobs, rubbing her eyes.

"They're gone now baby, it's okay," I reassure her, kissing her quickly before cupping the backs of her thighs to carry her back to our bedroom. "Go to sleep."

"But we need to tell Sully-" she argues but I shut her up with a kiss, cupping her face before I switch off the main light and keep the mood light on in the corner of the room; setting a cozy atmosphere.

"I'll tell him baby, I will." I chuckle, tucking her in.

"You have to tell him now." She yawns, wiping her eyes.

"I promise, I'm gonna go and tell him right now, go to sleep." I smile, lifting all her hair into my hands to tie it back the best I can.

I walk out of the room, standing in the hallway for a minute or two to pass time before deciding to grab two bottles of water for me and incase Roselyn gets thirsty through the night. I walk back into our bedroom, closing the door quietly so I don't disturb Roselyn.

"Did you tell him?" She mumbles as I double check the balcony door is locked before climbing into bed behind her, moving to spoon her.

"Yeah, baby, I did." I smile, laying my arm over her waist, grabbing her hand to thread our hands together.

"W-Why did he ha-have to do that? He never done a-anything to harm a-anybody." She snivells.

"I know baby, shit happens." I reply, rubbing the back of her hand with my thumb.

"He was a good monster, a nice one." She whispers.

I chuckle and kiss the back of her head. "Goodnight baby."

"Goodnight Nathan."

• • •

This has got to be one of my favourite chapters tbh.

Tumblr// iamnateslilmama
IG & Twitter// yxbxtch

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