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Roselyn Belo

Tuesday, 10:36am:

"Where did you two go last night?" River asks, leaning against the front door with a half eaten apple in his hand.

"I don't see how that's any of your business." I reply, walking up the stoney driveway to our front porch.

"Well considering your boyfriend," he stops to nod at Nate, who walks beside me with his hand threaded with mine. "Has been away for six months, I'm guessing you two wanted some alone time." He snickers, I blush.

"Yes we did, but Mom and Dad think we went to Sam's for a movie night so keep your mouth shut." I say, pushing past him to open one of the double front doors.

"Aye, my lips are sealed," He laughs before biting into his apple. "Hey uh me and Rito are going to the gym, Nate do you wanna' come?" He asks.

I smile in awe as my favourite boys get along, it's great that my family accept Nate, just not enough to know the real him.

Nate looks to me, I shrug; it's not my call.

"If you wanna' go, go. I'll go see if Grace wants to go shopping." I say, he bites his lip.

"Uh yeah, I need to go to Sam's house and get changed first though." He nods, River walks away and calls for Rito.

"When you go to Sam's why don't you get all your clothes and bring them back here?" I question.

Nate looks at me weirdly. "And just tell your parents that I'm moving in and create another story of lies?" He frowns, I sigh.

"It could work."

"No it couldn't Roselyn, I'm not living on egg shells, I'm living with Sam." He cups my face and kisses me softly.

"I love you." I pout.

He leans down and pinches my lip between his teeth; a thing he always does to stop me from pouting. "I love you too baby." He replies, stroking his thumb over my cheekbone.

"Now go work that booty." I wink and walk off to the kitchen.


Just like yesterday, the sun beams down on us, the birds fly through the sky and land on branches, occasionally swooping down to pick up crumbs off the floor outside of the bakery; Wake and Bake.

I don't think the eighty year old owner knew of the other meaning behind it's name, God bless her.

"So how was it?" Grace, my only best and closest friend, smirks as she sips her vanilla milkshake.

I blush, looking down at my rainbow cupcake. "Amazing." I giggle like a school girl, thinking about last night at the motel, on the edge of town.

"Did it feel better because you haven't done it in so long?" She asks, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Yes." I confess shyly, covering my surely bright red face.

"Did he have to clear the cob webs and spiders first?" She jokes which makes me burst out laughing to the point of tears gathering in my eyes, hers too.

"That's disgusting." I laugh, wiping under my eyes to make sure my mascara hadn't ran.

"But do you think that could happen? If you haven't had sex in like, what, sixty years?" She whispers, leaning over the table so the two old women on the next table don't hear us.

"What? No way!" I laugh, shoving her back to her side. "People have showers and wash themselves you know."

"Obviously, but what about if a women never showered or washed herself for sixty years? What about then?" She questions, I shiver in disgust under the sun.

"Grace!" I scold, shaking my head at my crazy best friend. "I am not talking about old women's cob webbed vaginas!"

She bursts out laughing, as do the two old women, I blush uncontrollably as I realise how loud I said that.

"Anyway, eat up so we can go." She says, I roll my eyes and begin eating my cupcake quicker.

Once finished, a few minutes later, we grab our bags and smile at the old ladies before walking off to the local movies. "It's a nice sunny day, I don't see why we're going in a room with no windows to hibernate for an hour or two." I say, paying for my ticket.

"Because, Mrs Outdoor Lover, I have been waiting for ever to see this movie and I want to see what everybody loves or hates about it." She says, showing the man her ID.

"It's either abuse or a turn on, are you into ropes and stuff?" I ask as we head over to buy some snacks.


"Well then you probably won't like it so what's the point?" I ask, she rolls her eyes.

"Listen, we've paid so let's just get some snacks and go watch it, alright?" She raises her eyebrow at me, I sigh in defeat.



"Finally," I say as Nate and my brothers walk through the front door. "Was you in the gym for nearly seven hours?" I ask, they all laugh at me.

"No little Rosa, we went for a guys day out if you must know." Rito says, patting my head on his way past me.

I sit on the couch in front of the TV, Grace is sleeping with her legs across my lap. We was having a comedy movie marathon until she decided to fall asleep. "What did you all do?" I ask curiously.

"I don't see how that's any of your business." River mimics, I roll my eyes and stick my tongue out at him.

Nate leans over the couch and kisses me, I bat my eyelashes at him as he pulls away. "Guys business baby, a gentleman never tells." He winks and walks into the kitchen with my brothers.

I giggle and turn back to watch the movie that's on.


I pout as I lean against the doorway, watching Nate walk down the driveway to the gates.

He types the code in and looks over his shoulder to blow a kiss and wave. I pretend to catch it and blow one back, giggling as he pretends to catch it before walking out the gates.

I watch the gates close before locking the front doors and jogging up to my bedroom.


From Nate💘: Just got back, goodnight baby😘❤️

To Nate💘: Goodnight, I love you😘❤️

From Nate💘: I love you so much more, sweet dreams💭❤️

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