
11 1 4

(I forgot about the schoolship thing, so please just pretend I mentioned it in the previous chapters)

I woke up in the middle of the night, but I had no clue why. Looking around the room, I noticed Olav was nowhere to be seen. I decided not to shrug it off but rather go look for someone who had been my friend for the hardest year of my life. Standing up, I silently made my way over to the door, taking a look back. I closed it gently before beginning my search for Olav. It didn't take long for me to find them. They weren't exactly hiding. Rather, just sat alone on a bench at the side of a small lake.

"Olav, is everything okay?"

I sat down next to them. It was the first time I'd seen Olav cry

"Why are you crying?"

"It's just..."

Olav wiped a tear from their cheek before continuing

"I can't seem to adjust to it. Every time I try, I can't. I can't just forget who i used to be. "

"Of course not. You don't have to forget. But you'll be a lot happier if you move on, accept your new life. You don't have to be mega girly. Heck, you don't have to be anything. Just make it what you want. "

Olav looked at me. They'd stopped crying. I pulled Olav into a hug, half expecting them to pull away. But instead, they hugged me back

The next day, I woke up and began getting dressed. As I did, I noticed Olav was no longer in the corner but rather socialising with everyone else. I was happy for them. As we made our way to the cafeteria, I began to talk to Olav

"Hey Olav!"

"Please call me Emilia,"

Olav responded with a smile

"How are you feeling?"

"Well, I had a long time to think about what you said, and I decided you were right. I'm going to move on. "

Emilia replied as she brushed her hair out of the way

After we finished breakfast, we were told to make our way to our club base. I went alongside Emilia. Arriving at the club base, there was a wide array of tanks present. Everything from Panzer IVs to Vickers 6 tonnes and even some of the rarer machines such as a.. KV-2?

While in awe, I was too preoccupied to realise I was being approached by a girl with long brown hair.

"Sakura... right?"

"That would be me,"

I stepped forward humbly

"For this training exercise, you will be put in the gunner position in the IV J alongside Emilia-chan, Ako, and Mai. Ok?"

I followed Emilia over to the tank

"I'm surprised. We don't usually have this crew. I'm usually smushed into the Sturmi. All I'm gonna say Is I hope your just as good as you were back then"

Emilia said with a chuckle

Hopping into the IV, the layout was nothing new to me. I clambered into the gunner position and awaited orders from the commander, Mai. Making our way into the forrest where the match would be played, I was a little afraid of all the snow after what had happened last time, but I continued on. Once we were in position, it was mere moments until we were told the match had begun, and Mai immediately began to talk

"Alright, Ako, let's go out into the open to get a better view."

I facepalmed in my mind. The first thing we'd been taught at the training ground was that a visible tank is a vulnerable tank. Emilia seemed just as disappointed as me, but this was all the proof I needed to know that Fred had forgotten mostly everything. Riding down a dirt track we were now, in the open, looking around I noticed a BT-42 hidden amongst the snow

"BT-42 Spotted!"

"Go ahead and take them out!"

Mai yelled excitedly

Aiming up, i pulled the trigger hitting the tank dead on as the white flag rose above it. In my head, I knew something was wrong. I knew for a fact we were visible to that BT-42, yet they hadn't shot...

"Commander, we need to retreat!"

I yelled out, noticing the StuG and a T-34/85 enclosing around us in a pincer movement.

"Nonsense were fine just here!"

To say I was mad was an understatement. Now, I had to try and take out both enemies without getting taken out myself. I poised myself, resting my finger on the trigger. Taking aim, I lined up the shot. Pulling the trigger, we suddenly jolted forward as the shell glided over the StuG. We were now on the move with the T-34 in hot pursuit. If only they'd listened earlier...

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