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Now on the run from the Maus, its weaknesses began to show as it immediately had trouble keeping up as our entire team attempted to formulate a plan to immobilise it. Our easiest solution would be to occupy it and then attack its weak points but that would require more than one tank luckily I knew that a shot to the rear air intake would wipe out the Maus all we needed was a plan which we began brainstorming

As part of the plan, the Hetzer charged forward wedging itself under the Maus stopping it from moving, using the Hetzer as a ramp the Type 89 stopped the turret from moving as we got into position to shoot a HE round through the Air Intake. With a blast, the largest tank ever produced lay immobile on the battlefield unfortunately our victory came at a cost as the Hetzer's engine failed soon after leaving us to take out the enemy

"Commander we're gonna do whatever it takes to stop the bulk of the enemies targeting you!"

I yelled as I beckoned Bella to swap with me hastily we pulled a 180 coming face to face with one of the enemies Panthers, pulling the trigger a shell plunged through its armour as we jerked forward now with two other Panthers In tow

"Try and keep them away from our flag tank!"

(Kourimourimine POV because why not)

"Commander the Panther is bad news, The KwK 44 could render many of our tanks useless!"

Erika yelled

"Fine continue your pursuit and take them out, then rendezvous with the rest of the group, understood?"

(Now back to Oarai)

As we twisted through the narrow streets we pulled a hard left now facing the road where the two enemies were watching as a Panther's side became visible. Pulling the trigger I blocked the second panther's path before we continued forward leaving one immobilised and the other stuck

"Alright girls, great job but keep it up okay?"

I yelled

"Yes, Commander!"

We soon gained another Panther on our tail but by now we had been told to link up with the main force and we did but first I decided to demonstrate my skill, as we rushed towards a drained canal I gave the signal for a left turn at the last second watching as our adversary went crashing into the canal. Now on our own again we made haste toward the rendezvous point where the Porsche Tiger was struggling to fend off Kourimourimine and so we decided to support

"When I give my signal, we charge at the King Tiger ok?"

I asked

Waiting for its turret to turn to the side I gave my signal as the Panther sped forward only stopped by the King Tiger's hull with a loud bang. Pulling the trigger I watched as the white flag of the King Tiger appeared. Reversing back as fast as we appeared there looked to be only a few enemies left with many now focusing on me as the Porsche Tiger had been taken out. I realised our only choice would be to help the commander and so our engine roared to life one last time as we charged toward the Porsche Tiger under heavy fire. Our momentum pushed it aside as we rushed through I took aim at the enemy flag tank and pulled the trigger

Two Loud Bangs rang out as the Enemy Tiger's flag appeared and then the IV's as the announcer began speaking we sat in silence

"Did we win?"

Marin asked

"I'm pretty sure we did!"

The celebrations began as we began making our way back to the spectator stands with our teammates quite literally in tow, we arrived back at the podium where our team leader was receiving many congratulations. But then we also received congratulations but I failed to realise the enemy commander approaching me

"Well played Panther, well played"

The commander said as we shook hands, the enemy commander then began speaking to Miho while we in our tank began talking about what would happen next

As we left port today's match was still on my mind, after all it could have gone way differently but it seemed fate favoured the bold and now I had no clue what came next. Yume then came and sat next to me and began speaking

"You made some great decisions earlier, heck you should be the true commander!"

Yume yelled triumphantly

"Please, Commander Nishizumi earned this, after all, she has been the brains behind most of our operations. None of us would be here without her"

"You make a fair point. But I still insist on at least buying you a milkshake, my treat!"

Yume replied

"I wouldn't turn down that offer any day"

And with that, I won my first Tankery championship alongside my many friends and allies

So... What now? Does the story go on? Do I write In Der film and Das finale eventually? Well for now at least I have nothing planned and so I once again ask for your suggestions. And if this is the end, I hope you enjoyed reading! Stay safe out there - Rei

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