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I was woken up early in the morning, looking around me I realised that the other two were gone and I had been woken by the chemist

"You boys aren't very good liars"

I looked at her realising she must be referring to our story

"My name is Ursula, I knew your father, Karl Vogel Sr, a hero in the eyes of Germany. I even met you when you were a lot younger but before your father left for Kursk he gave me this"

The chemist pulled out a necklace with an Iron Cross 1st Class attached to it and handed it to me

"M-my father..."

"Should we talk in the lounge?"

Walking into the lounge with the necklace now around my neck I sat down and as the chemist made some tea Olav and Fred returned

"Woah where the hell did you get that?"

Fred yelled examining my necklace

"Ursula here knew my father, he gave this to me before he left for Kursk and she kept it safe"

"I planned to give it to you after the war but when the tide changed It was too dangerous"

She placed some tea in front of us and we all took a sip

"Hmmm this tea tastes strange"

Fred muttered tiredly as we all agreed

"Well, I suppose I must tell you that this tea is said to transport the drinker to a whole different place, if you boys stayed here then there's no telling what the red army would do to me and you, though there may be some side effects...."

"Wait what the fu-!"

The three of us yelled, but We began to feel drowsy and I passed out clutching my necklace tightly

I woke up with a headache realising I was in the middle of a field, holding my hand against my forehead I sat up, looking around me I saw two passed-out girls, one that looked Japanese and one that looked European dressed in trousers and a shirt next to me and I wondered what two girls of that age are doing in a random field in Poland. Then one of the girls woke up with a groan

"Ow my head hurts"

The girl stood up looking at me

"Wait a second... Karl had a necklace just like that. Hey did you steal my friend's necklace?"

"What are you talking about, my father gave this to me... and my name is Karl!"

I realised my voice sounded wrong like that of a... I looked at the girl and she looked at me as we muttered each other's names

"How the hell did this happen and why the hell do you look like that"

I yelled staring at a Young female Japanese version of Fred

"Why do you look Japanese?"

Fred asked

"You do too, wait I look Japanese?"

Fred pulled a slightly shattered mirror out of his pocket and pointed it toward me, staring into it I saw a young Japanese girl that sorta resembled me wearing an iron cross

"What the fu-"

I yelled waking the other girl up

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