Another Weekend

26 2 0

Again just another irrelevant chapter feel free to skip

Sitting up I rummaged through my wardrobe looking for some clothes

"There's so many I have no clue what to wear!"

Walking downstairs I asked Yoshiko for help picking and as she followed me upstairs she asked me what I'd like to wear

"I have no clue, what's why I asked you"

Walking into the room Yukari was off doing her own thing. Yoshiko looked through my wardrobe

"Y'know Sakura-Chan your so indecisive"

Yoshiko pulled out a Yellow and White dress from the wardrobe (Same as the one Miho wore in Der Film) before continuing to rummage through

"What are you looking for now?"

"You know what"

"You don't need to look for that!"

I yelled in response

"You'll just go out without them if i don't"

I stood still staring at Yoshiko as she pulled back from the wardrobe

Leaving the house I headed over to Yume's going to the store along the way. Opening the door I walked inside

"Yume-Chan! I brought snacks"

"Ah Sakura I'll just be a second!"

I sat on the couch awaiting Yume I rummaged through the bag. Walking out from the bathroom she came and took a seat next to me

"What did you get?"

"I just bought some water and stuff"

"Aww your no fun..."

Yume whined

"Why am i not?"

"I though you'd bring some candy"

"Now your the one that's acting like a child!"

I chuckled placing the bag back down

"Do you wanna go shopping?"

Yume asked me

"Sure but where?"

"We'll we're still in port so what about the mall?"

"The Mall?"

I asked not knowing what Yume was talking about

"Y'know the building with a ton of smaller stores inside it?"

I shook my head watching as Yume put her jacket on

"Come on then I'll show you"

Walking out of the door we made our way off of the ship and into town arriving at a large building

"This is it"

Yume said as we walked through the doors, now inside I had no clue where to go so I looked to Yume who was joyfully walking away in another direction

"Hey Yume-Chan wait up!"

We both entered a large store which looked to sell clothing

"Why are we here, I already have clothes"

"You can never have too many clothes"

Yume replied with a small laugh. As we walked into the womens section I decided to try and sit through it until I could come up with an excuse to leave

"Hey Sakura?"

"What's wrong"

"What do you think of this dress?"

I looked up still not having an opinion on it

"If you like it get it"

I replied

Now walking out of the store (after 3 hours) we decided to get something to eat, Yume suggested some street food and I suggested we buy some burgers, eventually settling on burgers we sat down to eat. I then heard a ping as Yume pulled something out of her pocket

"What's that?"

"What's what?"

Yume replied

"The thing in your hand"

"Oh my phone? Do you not have one?"

I shook my head and Yume stood up

"Let's go get you one then"

Walking out of the food court we entered a large tech store where I felt very out of place

"Technology's came this far in only 77 years?"

I asked bewildered

"Yeah... wait, what?"

"Oh it's nothing"

Continuing walking we arrived at a shelf with several 'phones' on it

"Which one do you want?"

Yume asked

"I have no clue"

"We'll how about this one? it's the latest model"

"But Yume-Chan thats ¥219,000 ($1600)!"

"Don't worry my parents are rich this is only a fraction of my monthly allowance"

"Are you sure?"

I asked

Yume nodded as we paid for the phone and left

"Thank you Yume-Chan!"

"Don't mention it"

She said doing something with the phone

"There I put my phone number on it"

Back at my place I decided to have a shower before going to bed. Now in bed I still couldn't fall asleep so I ended up staying up most of the night getting only an hours sleep.

The next day I began to research our next match finding us up against Pravda the winner of last years tournament once again finding myself struggling to sleep, I went onto my phone trying to remember how to 'text' Yume, eventually figuring it out I told her I couldn't sleep and she told me to atleast try. So I did, and failed again now at 4:00 in the morning I decided to keep reading eventually encroaching on the time for school I threw on my uniform and started the walk to school low on energy and struggling to comprehend my surroundings

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