The Challenge

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A sudden stopping motion woke me up, looking out of the window I realised that we were at a station

"Alright! Everyone off!"

I stood from my seat lining up to exit the train. Now walking down a path I arrived in front of a huge warehouse with barracks in close proximity. Ahead people were being split into groups and then taken into the warehouse, soon enough I was ushered to the rightmost queue and we quickly entered the building where there stood a podium with an officer standing at it, we quickly formed lines and he began to speak

"Greetings men! I am Officer Zimmerman, your instructor for the next three months, unfortunately only half of you will enter the Wehrmacht the rest of you will become reserves or Shit shovelers. Under my tutorage you will learn everything there is to know about Panzer Warfare and learn how to use tactics such as 'Blitzkrieg' Now, you may collect your uniforms from the ladies to your left and then you will be put into barracks based on your dates of birth"

The officer stepped off the podium and left, soon enough we were given our uniforms and barracks number

I walked into my small barracks which looked to house around 10 and placed my uniform on my bunk. The person in the bunk above me then jumped down and introduced himself

"My names Friedrich but you can call me Fred, and you?"

"Oh I'm Karl nice to meet you"

"Where you from Karl?"

"Well I was born and raised in Dresden but around last year my family moved into a small country town to avoid the bombings and such"

"I lived in Munich but my mother kicked me out and I left to join the arm-"

Zimmerman walked into the barracks making us all stand at attention

"You are to be split into two groups of five and meet in the garage tomorrow at 6am sharp anyone late will be instantly dismissed back to their homes. Lights out!"

As the officer left we clambered into our bunks uncomfy but bearable i eventually managed to fall asleep. I was shaken awake by Fred

"Karl get your uniform on, quickly!"

I stood up putting on my uniform and tying the laces on my boots we marched to the garage where a Panther was on display. A few of us including me stood in awe whilst others looked bored to death

Officer Zimmerman walked into the garage and began speaking

"This, is the Panzerkampfwagen V, A stunning piece of technology conceived by Germany's greatest minds. Those of you who succeed will take one of these to battle one day, but for now you will train. 1st using a Panzer I then  a Panzer II then a Panzer III and every other one of the fatherlands Steel beasts. You will now be split into groups of five and will begin training immediately"

The officer stood still while several lower ranking officials split us into groups. I was with Fred and 3 other men assumably from our Barracks

"Training starts now!"

Next chapter will time skip considerably to avoid boring clutter

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