The End of an Era

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Finishing up my assignment, I placed it to the side, pulling out my phone. I had received a message from Arina

"Hey Sakura, do you wanna come over to my place?"

I looked up from my phone, contemplating before typing my reply

"Sure, I'll be there soon'

Standing up, I took off my uniform before leaning into my wardrobe and pulling out a t-shirt and a skirt. Throwing it on, I made my way downstairs, slipping my shoes on before taking my leave. Following the directions Arina had sent me, I arrived outside an average sized house. Walking up to the door, I noticed a doorbell, which I promptly rang. A few moments passed before Arina welcomed me, beckoning me inside; taking my shoes off, I followed her up the stairs and into her room

My thoughts were mostly wondering why I had been invited, afterall the two of us talked very little, but I decided to sling Arina the benefit of the doubt. Sitting in the seat I had been directed to, Arina began to speak

"The reason we're here today, me and you is because of one reason. I've rumours that the school will be shut down -"

I opened my mouth in indirect protest before being shushed

"Dont tell anyone, I don't want to instil panic." Arina hushed

"B-but why? I thought if we wo-"

"Well, we all thought that, but apparently not. The schools shutting down and were all gonna have to split up, " Arina said quaintly

I looked down, saddened as all our hard work to beat Kourimourimine was worthless.

"Well, what can we do?"
I asked

"There's nothing we can do,"

"Does anyone else know?"

"A few. But they aren't to tell a soul. "
Arina replied "Theres somegthing I'd like to ask."


"When you first joined, we were told you were a transfer student... what school did you attend before"

"Well... to put it truthfully, and I shouldn't be yelling you this for the record. I got sent to this school by the government. My parents died in an accident and since then I'd been in limbo till I was found by the police..."
I answered back

A few days passed, and Arina was proven right. One morning, everybody turned up to school, and the notice was right there. It was over, I had nowhere else to go. Deep down, I was in pieces, and the worst of It was that Yume was visiting family in Hokkaido for the weekend so I couldn't even talk to her about how I felt.

I found myself in the cafe, sat at the bar. I ordered a root beer, as an old woman turned to me

"What's the matter dear? You seem in the dumps. "

"The school is going to be shut down. And to be brutally honest, I have no place else to go. "

The woman nodded, leaving me alone. I thought back to a similar situation when I had left my family behind to join the army. Sipping my drink, I placed my head on the bar as I attempted to collect myself.

I soon found myself at Yume's front door. It seems that I'd subconsciously come here. Not that Yume would answer, but I knocked anyway. This is why I was shocked when the door began to open. Suspicious of who could be behind the door. As the door fully opened, I came face to face with...


"Yo Sakura-Chan"

"W-what are you doing here?"
I asked confusedly

"I'm staying at Yume's while she's out of town to feed her fish..."

"I see."

"Well, are you gonna come in or?
Asuna asked with a playfully stern look on her face

Walking inside, I took a seat alongside Asuna

"What do you think... about the school?"

"As much as it's sad. It doesn't really bother me. Truth be told, I was planning on returning to my family on land anyway. That reminds me, are you going to go back to your family, Sakura?"

"Oh, I live with Yukari,"

She asked

I nodded as Asuna looked a little shocked at this information. We talked for a while longer before I decided to walk back home. It was raining. In an odd episode of pathetic fallacy, I passed through the park where I'd sat some time back. Sitting down on the same bench, I truly thought about all that had happened since. It had been a moment of pure ecstasy when we'd won the championship, I had finally achieved something, andnow it had lost half its worth.

I stood back up, my bottom slightly wet from the bench, as I walked through the door I found my family sat at the table, Yukari included with sad looks on their faces as Mom began to speak solemnly


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