Choosing an 'Elective'

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I walked over to the table where the girl in the uniform was and sat down garnering her friend groups attention

"I like your uniform"

"Thank you"

"Mit Vergnügen (Your welcome)"

I replied mimicking Erwin Rommel (Why? I don't know)

"Wait what?"

The girl in the uniform yelled

I was about to show them my iron cross but I had left it at home

"Wait who else can you do?"

"Well I only speak Japanese and German so I'm limited"

"It may be controversial but can you do Hitler?"

"Ich nehme an (I Suppose)"

I replied now mimicking Hitler rather jokingly

"Your pretty good at that, My name is Erwin and you?"


"How about Guderian?"

"That's a bit..."

"Who would you want to be?"

"What about Vogel?"

"Oh a lesser known one, you know your stuff! sure"

The rest of the girls finished eating before leaving and being replaced by three other girls

"Do you mind if we sit here?"

"Not at all"

I continued eating realising they were talking about birthdays. As lunch ended and we had to gather in the auditorium and that I did sitting next to Yukari. Soon a video began to play advertising "Sensha-Do"

"It builds character and Authority in young women and prepares them for adulthood"

As the video ended I was absolutely astonished (Maybe now all my training won't go to waste). Now back in class we were given a sheet to pick an 'elective' from, I didn't get most of the other things but still didn't know what to pick but I eventually settled on Sensha-Do

Arriving home we were greeted by Yoshiko and Yukari went upstairs as usual, whereas I was told to hop up into a barbers chair. Yoshiko then looked at me before grabbing some scissors and getting to work, first washing my hair and then straightening it out and styling it. Looking in the mirror, I looked completely different and a lot more girly, making my outfit look nice on me, which, by the way, I had mixed thoughts on

"There you go,"

Yoshiko smiled

"Thank you,"

"Oh, and by the way, what elective did you pick?"

"I think it was Sensha-Do."

"Ah nice, and by the way, has anyone ever told you that you sound quite... unrefined"

"No why?"

"Try speaking more gentle and slightly higher pitched. You also slur your words a lot"


"Doesn't that feel more natural plus it makes you a lot more feminine"

I got quite angry at Yoshiko but knew that I had to deal with it, besides she was only trying to help. I made my way upstairs checking my iron cross was ok which it was before borrowing a book off of Yukari to read that talked about key battles in WW1 and WW2 which I found quite interesting and only now did I learn we had lost the war but at this point nothing could be done so I just laidback and began to drift off to sleep wondering what Sensha-Do would be like, like War? Or more like a sport? Maybe in between? There were many possibilities but I didn't mind regardless

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