Poor Commanding

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With the T-34 behind us, I spun the turret around, blasting a shot right into the centre of the hull, sending it flying backwards as the flag popped up

"Listen, Commander... not to doubt your prowess, but I believe we should return to cover as soon as we take out that StuG"

Mai seemed rather upset at my comment as she yelled out

"If you think this job is easy, then why don't you give it a go!"

Obliging gladly we swapped seats as I surveyed the surroundings

"Alright, we wanna make a sharp turn and get behind that rock. From there, we can take out the enemy. "

Making the turn, the IV thrashed to the side as we braked hard. The StuG grew closer and closer, and suddenly, it rounded the corner.



I looked up, and Mai was lathering her face with lipstick. Before I could make a complaint, the tank rocked violently as we were stuck head-on and eliminated. I was, to say the least. Annoyed but I had to persevere. It seems that the Fred I once knew had gone and been replaced. Back in the dorm, I was sitting on my bed when Emilia walked over and sat beside me.

"What are you doing?"

Emilia asked with a smile

"Not much, just thinking, why?"

Emilia fidgeted slightly, marking the first time I'd seen them nervous. I gave her a look, which meant 'spit it out', and she began to speak.

"Do you wanna head out. Just me and you?"

Emilia blushed lightly

"Sure, let me just grab my jacket, and we can get going..."

Leaving the school, we walked alongside the road and into town. The town was large, a similar size to the one on the Oarai ship, although there appeared to be more shops and things to do in general. I decided to catch up with Emilia a little more when a question came to fruition.

"Hey, Emilia. How did you stop smoking?"

Emilia looked at me before speaking

"I just sort of forgot, although sometimes, especially when I'm stressed, I wish I could have a quick smoke break. Why do you ask anyway?"

"It's just because I noticed you reach into your pocket and raise your hand to your mouth the other day."

Arriving in town, we headed into a mall where the warm air-conditioning provided a welcome contrast to the nippy air outside.

"So, what do you wanna do first?"

I asked, wanting to keep Emilia within her depth

"I wanna look at clothes."

Emilia beamed, a wide smile saturating her face. Heading into the clothes store, Emilia looked at a variety of items, buying a few. Eventually, we reached my personal enemy, the underwear section

"I've been thinking thay if I'm gonna truly settle into this new life, I need to dress like a proper girl, and that includes new underwear..."

A little flabbergasted, I let Emilia pick what she wanted, mostly basic in style with a few variations in colour and patern. Finishing up there we went to a coffee shop across from the clothes store. Ordering myself a Black Coffee. I sat down opposite Emilia

"So how was life at Oarai... outside of Sensha-Do?"

Emilia asked, propping up her head with her hand

"Well, when I first got there, I found it hard to blend in. Eventually, I figured out the formula and managed to make some great friends..."

Emilia nodded as I finished talking. A brief moment of silence ensued (imminent cringe warning)

"Have you ever masturbated?"

Emilia asked as genuine as a person could be. When I say I spat my coffee out of my mouth, I really mean it. It wasn't what I expected to hear at all

"Why would you ask that?"

I replied, flustered

"Well, I heard Mai and the other girls talking about it

Curious myself I asked

"Well, what about you and Mai?"

"I haven't. But Mai has, she was talking about it to the other girls. I had a similar reaction to you when I overhead that. And it's not like it was a one-time thing. They talk about it nearly every night. "

"That's enough of that, I think."

I interrupted, too flustered to continue the conversation. Finishing our little teatime chat, we got back to what was important as we resumed our shopping. Our final stop was a store that advertised itself as a 'Manga Shop'. Intrigued, we headed inside, surprised to find it arrayed with a variety of comics and corresponding merchandise.

"I have an idea. A little something to keep it interesting: we each pick one out for each other. We'll read it, and then we can talk about it when we finish."

Emilia suggested

I nodded along. It sounded fun enough. We both split up and looked for a 'manga' to give one another. I picked up a sort of fantasy one for Emilia and headed to pay for it.

Now, on our way back to the school, we carried our bags and finally entered our dorm.

Sorry for not uploading for a while. It takes time for me to find inspiration to continue, but here it is. Also, I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused by the lewd conversation in the middle of the chapter.

A German's Sensha-DoМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя