The Breakout

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We received news that our teammates would be attempting to break the encirclement in just a few moments time

"Tell me do any of you speak German?"

My crewmates shook their heads

"Follow along with my words then, it should work in Japanese. Yume start our engine and head into the town when there we will act as a distraction, Arina you will swap spots with me"

As me and Arina swapped spots we began descending into the town and I led my team with an old favourite of mine

"In storm or in snow, or in sun warm and bright!"

We continued singing as we approached the enemy

"The day hot as hell, or bone chilling be the night"

Speeding past the enemy vehicles we gained an entourage of Soviet Steel, A T34 76 and an 85

"Our faces may with dust be laid, but spirits still remain, yes still remain!"

Watching as our teammates rushed out of the building we came under fire from the enemy as our song came to its close

"Relentless our Panzer goes out on a raid!"

A shot from the 76 hit the back of our turret ricocheting off of the thick armour, receiving orders to link up with the rest of our team we did so with strife

"Any other songs?"

Asuna asked excitedly

"We'll there's Erika but that's not really an army song"

I half-lied as I embarrassedly couldn't remember the lyrics

Asuna nodded as we linked up with our teammates noticing the absence of the 38(t), the StuG, the IV and the M3. We then got further orders to protect the Type 89

"Alright Yume protect the Type 89"

"Sakura-Chan shouldn't we switch back?"

Arina said looking scared

"It'll be fine!"

I yelled in response As I stood up opening the cupola

"I'm gonna do some reconnaissance"

I said jumping out of the cupola as we slowed down a little. Binoculars around my neck I began walking in the direction of the town but my legs began to feel heavy, I started to find it hard to move and my blinks changed into 10 second intervals of closing my eyes, realising the caffeine had worn off I collapsed into the cold cold snow.

My eyes opened a little and I watched as Yume and Asuna stood over me looking worried but I couldn't move and soon enough my eyes closed again

I woke up in a hospital supposedly on the school ship, but for the life of me I couldn't remember why I was here. Looking around I saw that my right arm was in a cast and I had multiple tubes hooked up to me. Yume then came in looking relieved

"Look who decided to wake up"

Yume joked

"Yume-Chan, what happened?"

I replied in a very meek sounding voice

"Well you went out on reconnaissance, and we didn't hear back from you. After the match we all came looking for you and found you laying in the snow, you were in a bad way!"

"Did we win?"

I asked Yume once again sounding meek

"Yes shortly after you left the StuG took out the enemy flag tank"

I rolled over a little sending a twinge of pain through my arm causing a few tears to fall

"What did I do to my arm?"

"You broke it on the fall"

Yume replied

Soon enough a doctor came in to check up on how I was doing, I was also told that I would be able to leave after they changed the cast on my arm for a more suitable one and removed the aforementioned tubes

I walked out of the hospital alongside Yume wearing just a t-shirt and sweatpants

"Sakura can I ask you a question?"

"Yes sure"

I replied

"How many nights in a row did you stay up?"

I decided to be honest to avoid a repeat of last time

"Since before the Anzio match, I haven't been able to sleep properly since"

"Why don't you stay at my place tonight so I can check up on you"

Yume asked softly

"If it gives you peace of mind"

"Plus if you Can't sleep then I'll be left awake with you"

Yume replied jokingly

Walking through the front door i took a seat on the couch exhausted

"Did I tell you, that when we found you, you had hypothermia"

Yume said to me

I sat back on the couch contemplating my time since the Anzio match and tried to remember what had changed but nothing came to mind, and so I sat still not knowing what to do until a while later Yume hopped on her bike went to my house to give my mother the news of my recovery while I watched a documentary about WW2 era guns and tanks that I actually found rather interesting, but I still couldn't believe it

All of this just because I couldn't get to sleep

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