The Battle of the Eagles

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I blushed, looking over at Yume

"Aren't you gonna wash yourself?"

Yume asked

I shook my head, worsening my headache

"Dont be childish! Why not?"

"It's embarrassing,"

"You leave me no choice then..."

"Yume-Chan, what are you planning?"

Yume walked over, grabbing a sponge and scrubbing my arms

"You still act like a child,"

Finishing my arms, Yume took her tank top off

"Yume-Chan! What the hell are you doing!"

I yelled, looking away

"Getting in...?"

She replied, looking confused


"To wash you because you won't."

Now undressed Yume got in the bath at the opposite side from me. Now blushing, Yume started scrubbing my legs, I looked directly ahead seeing her, finishing my legs. Yume pulled back, causing the water to shift around her, revealing a little of her body

"What's up Sakura you've gone red?"

"They're... huge"

"What are you talking about? Never mind, you need to clean your down under by yourself. "

"My what?"

"Y'know those parts"

I blushed, realising what she meant

"But I can't! It's a violation of modesty!"

"You keep saying stuff like that! Everyone has to bathe, it's just a way of life. "

I finally looked down properly, realising i was pretty smooth down there

"How do I wash it?"

"You should know that, You should've done it a million times before!"

I shook my head, signalling I didn't

"Well, you..."

Now out of the bath, Yume handed me a towel to dry myself off with while she went to get our clothes, drying myself. Yume returned, leading me into her bedroom

"Put your clothes on."

I put on my underwear along with a vest, realising I had been given a denim skirt. Sighing, I put it on along with the light blue and white striped t-shirt.

"Remember we have our match tomorrow, so you should go to bed around this time."

I looked at Yume's alarm clock, which read 19:39

"It's only 20 to eight!"

"Yeah, but if you don't recover by tomorrow, you can't participate."

I lay back as Yume turned the light out and left the room, leaving me to fall asleep.

I woke up early in the morning still in Yume's bed, realising I was hugging her particularly tight, letting go. I changed into my uniform

"Yume-Chan, we have to go to school!"

Yume rushed up, changing while I looked away, we both headed to the door

"Oh, by the way, Sakura, you're a good hugger..."

I blushed as we left Yume's house

I stood up, looking out of my cupola as the match began assessing the enemy's tanks

"Alright, we have 10 M4 Sherman variants alongside... a Firefly and a long barrelled M4a1 76(w)"

Now, with the match starting, we moved into position as the commander spoke on the radio

"All tanks forward!"

We began accelerating in formation

"Alright team lets give it our all!"

Yume and Asuna agreed as we began to concentrate

"Alright, Eagle team, you assist rabbit team with recon to the right"

"Yes ma'am"

We got into formation alongside the rabbit team and began advancing into the forest, stopping near an opening. Soon enough, 3 Sherman's appeared over the hill, not noticing us, as our teammates advanced to bait them. Several shots roared past our tank, nearly hitting the M3

"Turn quick!"

I sat back down inside the tank as we faced towards three more Sherman's. The Rabbit team then got on the Radio

"We've been surrounded by six Shermans!"

"We'll charge to draw their attention. Go join up with the rest of the formation!"

"Yume-Chan, charge the Shermans head on."

"But Sakura-Chan..."

"Just do it,"

We began speeding up, heading towards the Shermans as shots littered the area surrounding us

"On my signal, I want you to drive through the gap between the left and centre tank,"

Speeding toward the enemy, they began their second round of shots with one ricocheting off of the side of our turret

"Wait... Wait... Now!"

The tank swung, exploiting the gap between the Shermans and speeding through prompting them to turn around and follow us. I turned the turret to the behind

"It's not ideal, but if it were to hit,"

I aimed for the track of a Sherman, pulling the trigger the shell landed to the side of the leftmost Sherman

"Alright, let's tr-"

I heard a ping from the bottom of the tank

"What's that?"

Yume beckoned me to turn the radio off, I did so, and she began speaking

"Saunders is tapping our radio signals"

"So they have to cheat to beat the newbies?"

I turned the radio back on

"Commander Nishizumi, we're gonna attempt to link up with you,"

Turning the radio off again, I continued

"But let's actually lure them to the StuG."

We charged forward, entering a valley between two hills where we knew the rest of the team was, with the Sherman's. behind us, and four in front, we swung right, hiding behind the Lee, which was using a tree to faint moving tanks. Now approaching the StuG, we came to a stop as two Shermans sat in a ditch, turning their turrets. The StuG hit one head on, taking it out as the other retreated, avoidfrom the M3. I pulled the trigger, shooting a shell at the side of another, taking that out

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