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She gasped at it in horror and almost fell flat on her face when Diego pulled her towards him.

Diego caught her before she fell but she had lost all the strength in her legs. How could he do this to her. Oscar's men looked uncomfortable while Diego and his men looked proud.

She was disgusted, she felt humiliated and most of all embarrassed at her lack of power to protect herself.

She almost laughed at her naivety that she thought that she would protect her family when she couldn't even protect herself.

Diego held her to him and she hit him, screamed at him but it didnt matter. She fell to his feet. She was tainted by his lust.

She turned to Oscar who was being held back by his men and Alan. He tried to rush forward but stopped when his eyes met hers.

"I'm sorry Oscar I'm so sorry" she said as she looked into his eyes. She looked down at the ground as her heart clenched in pain. It ached.

Diego put an arm around Talia's waist and pulled her up. Holding her to him with his hand under her bust.

"She is mine" Oscar said as he broke free of his mens grip.

"MINE, YOU MADE A HUGE MISTAKE IF FOR A SECOND YOU THINK I WILL LET YOUR HANDS ON HER AGAIN" Oscar yelled as he stepped over the bed sheet and walked to Diego.

And that's when it started, the fireworks.

Diego grabbed Talia and hauled her inside while she stood stunned by Oscar's words.

"Let's continue where we left off." He whispered in Talia's ear. She shook her head and struggled as he announced.

"Dont let anyone disturb me and my woman while we make an heir for the clan" Diego yelled and his men hoot. Talia was ashamed that even now she couldn't fight this man. She kicked and screamed and yelled but it was all useless.

Diego walked into the bedroom and threw her onto the bed. He locked the door this time and turned to her.

She tried to run to the bathroom but he was quicker. He grabbed her by the waist and dumped her onto the bed.

"I'M YOUR man not HE" Diego said in anger and she shook her head. "Stop please PLEASE JUST STOP FORCING ME. I DONT WANT YOU" Talia screamed and he paused before his expressions darkened.

"You will regret it." He said as he tore her dress this time. She tried to cover her body but he grabbed her wrists and held it over her head with one hand and used the other to align himself.

"Oh you are dry" he stated and she looked at him with eyes wide with fear. "You hurt me Talia, its only fair that you feel my pain" he said as he started to push inside and she screamed.

"IT HURTS STOP" she screamed as he kept pushing.

The door slammed open and Talia was in so much pain that she didnt even notice. Diego pulled out and then he let out a ear pierce scream at a gunshot.

Talia lay petrified as her rapist fell to the ground in pain. She pulled away and winced at the soreness. She looked at Diego who lay withering on the floor holding his shot dick in his hand.

Oscar approached Talia. He was afraid for the first time in a long time. She had been through something unforgettable and painful all because he couldn't protect her.

When Talia turned to look at Oscar she started to cry. He walked to her and knelt infront of her. Not touching, knowing she would probably feel disgusted.

"Love please tell me what do I do for you" he asked in a heartbroken voice and she cried harder. "Belle look at me" he said when she just cried with her eyes on her naked body.

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