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Talia almost fell as Oscar wrapped his arms around her.

"Belle I thought I had lost you" he whispered softly against her hair as he rested his chin on her head. Talia wrapped her arms around him tight for a minute and then pulled back.

She looked around Oscar to find Shanks limping into the house with Alan supporting his waist who had a gash on his forehead.

That's when she noticed that Oscar was covered in dirt but didnt seem to be bruised, is what she thought till her eyes fell on his gunshot injury and her eyes widened.

"What the HELL is going on" she said as she pulled Oscar over to the sofa and then helped Shanks along with Alan.

She looked at three of them and sighed in sadness, they were safe but they were in this situation all because she thought it was a good idea to expose everyone of their crimes.

Alan walked into the kitchen for the first aid and she followed him after checking on Oscar who had opened his stitches.

She found Alan reading a piece of paper and she snatched it from her. "What is that about?" Alan asked her with a frown and then winced from his injury.

She made him sit on the bar stool then tore the paper to shreds and threw it into the bin. He watched her but didnt utter a word. She dressed his wound as best as she could while he just looked at her and she paused after she finished when he spoke up.

"You dont plan to tell what that was about?" He asked as his eyes fell to the bin where she just destroyed the last evidence of the break in.

She shook her head, "I don't" she said as she walked towards the living room. "I don't support your decision, I want you to know that" he said as he walked out before her.

She blinked away the tears threatening to spill, this is not what she wanted. She wanted those in power to know their place and not breath down the necks of those who were below, especially those who were innocent.

She questioned everything she had done as she walked out and sat in front of Oscar while Alan bandages Shanks ankle. It seemed to be broken so Alan had called Holly.

The bell rang and I jumped at the sound, Oscar frowned at my reaction I let out a nervous laugh and walked to the door.

Daniel and Holly rushed in and when they noticed the state all three of them were in they cursed. Daniel I knew how to dress wounds so he helped Oscar while Holly checked on Shank.

Talia walked upstairs into Oscar's bedroom and sat on the bed. She could hear them talking.

What now? Her parents are going to come home and find all of them in this state and say what? This was all her fault, would it be better to end it or finish what she started. She wasnt sure.


Talia turned to look at Oscar who leaned against the door frame. She almost cracked a smile at his worried stance.

"Did something happen?" He asked as she sat beside the bed and leaned against it.

She smiled, "yeah I broke the chair in the bedroom" he raised an eyebrow and looked at the chair by the desk.

"Not this one, the one in the room below" she said and he nods. He knew that wasnt all but it didnt look like anything was out of place so he let it go.


Oscar walked out the main door, he wasn't sure if it was a good idea to leave her here but she was protected here.

He rushed to the car and called Alan again.

"Boss we are surrounded, I dont know who these people are-"

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