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She had slapped him.

Talia walked out and then smacked her open mouth in disbelief, she just- she had- she slapped him.

She slowly walked back down to find Shanks working on his laptop and Alan watching the news. When she walked in the two did their best to not stare and ask questions.

She walked to the balcony and sat there.

"Talia the food is here" Alan said and her wide eyes widened further. "But we just ordered-"

"What are you talking about, you've been sitting there for almost an hour." Shanks said as he opened the parcel.

Talia didnt even realise.

Oscar didnt come down. She finished eating, washed the dishes, watched the news, worked on her laptop till midnight and he had still not shown his face.

Alan had left when Shanks dozed off and she just sat on the sofa. "Did I overreact-"

"No you didn't" she gasped at his sudden voice and stood with a hand over her heart. "You scared me, don't sneak up on me-"

He didnt say a word but stepped forward. He was just a feet away.



They kept their eyes locked and he reached his hand to her face. "May I?"

When she didn't reply he nods and hung his head low before stepping back. "I know people regret decisions that they make impulsively but I'm not the type to be reckless." Talia spoke up and sat back down looking straight at him.

"I want you too, I desire you too and yes you kidnapped me, threatened me which made me hesitant but I'd be a fool to not notice what you have done to keep me safe. You might have liked me for a long time but that doesn't mean that I like you any less. I'm hurt and annoyed not because you left me sexually frustrated but because it felt like a rejection. You didnt listen to me, it's like what I say doesn't matter and that gets to me" she continues with her voice barely audible but he heard every word.

Oscar walked and knelt down in front of her.

"I'm in love with you Belle, sometimes that clouds my judgement and it's not that I dont want to listen to you but I just don't want to leave an impression on you that it's just lust. I'm so goddam attracted to you every damn second of the day that holding back has been difficult. You were hot and heavy today but every time I'm with you, I'm in that state, I just want to do it with you all the time and it drives me insane. Watching you like that was like a fantasy come t life and I didnt want to taint it with my desire-"

"You idiot"

He shook his head and then he laughed at her disbelief, only her.

"You think I dont want to rip your clothes off everytime I see you, it was difficult from the moment I met you even when you were threatening me I wanted to jump on you" Talia slapped her mouth shut at her words and then she was mortified as it dawned on her what she had just said.

"Wow I've never seen you be this honest"

She looked at Shanks who stood there drinking water leaning against Alan who was helping him out.

"You wait assho-" she was cut short by Oscar's kiss.

She gasped against his lips when he hovered over her, making her lean back. She didnt hear the other two leave but she could hear the rapid beating of her heart.

"If I had known that you felt like that Belle, I wouldn't have been holding back for so long" he said as his hand trailed down her jaw, to her neck and all the way down to the side of her bust and she gulped.

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