S1 E1: And Then There Were 10, Part 2

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(Up above the Earth, Vilgax's ship has a damaged bridge, and an incredibly mutilated Vilgax is in a stasis tank.)

Vilgax: [To Robotic Lieutenant.] "What do you mean it's not there? This battle nearly costs me my life! --And you say the Omnitrix is no longer on board the transport?"

Robotic Lieutenant: "Sensors indicate a probe was jettisoned from the ship, just before boarding. It landed on the planet below."

Vilgax: [To another nearby bioid behind him.] "Go. Bring it to me."

(The bioid, enshrouded in darkness, walks off.)

(Back on Earth.)

(The quartet eating marshmallows by the fire, Heatblast and Big Chill having just explained to Max about what happened back in the woods.)

Max: "And you say that this watch "just jumped up and clamped onto your wrist"?"

(Gwen tosses two marshmallows to Ben and Zack as they eat it and continued talking.)

Heatblast: "Hey, this time it wasn't my fault, I swear!"

Big Chill: "Same here. It happened so fast. We were confused on what just happened."

Max: "I believe you, both."

Gwen: "Think they're gonna stay monsters forever?"

Max: "They're not monsters. They're aliens." [Heatblast, Big Chill and Gwen stare at him inquisitively.] "I-I mean, look at them. What else could there be?"

Heatblast: "Yeah, I don't wanna be 'fire guy' forever. How am I supposed to play Little League this fall if I charcoal the ball every time I catch a pop fly?"

Big Chill: "And the last thing we need is our parents freaking out and calling the exterminator to kill a giant bug that's claiming to be their son."

Max: "Don't worry, guys. We'll figure this thing out."

(The Omnitrix on Heatblast's chest beeps red 5 times, then lets out a blinding light towards Max, Gwen and Big Chill. When they open their eyes, Ben is standing in front of them, human and all.)

Ben: "Hah! I'm me again!"

Gwen: "Aw, too bad. I liked you better when you were a briquette. But wait, what about Zack? He hasn't turn back to normal."

Max: "That's odd. Why aren't you turning back to yourself, Zack?"

Zack: "I don't know. Should it do the same thing as Ben's. Please tell me this isn't permanent."

Ben: "Hold on, Zack! Remember the watch that attach itself to you look more advance than mine?"

Zack: "Oh, yeah! You're right. Maybe I can..."

(He reach to his chest, then press the button as a red glow surrounds him. Zack was back to normal, catching everyone by surprise.)

Zack: "Ahh, yeah! I'm me, again!"

Gwen: [thinking] "Phew! Thank goodness! I thought I couldn't see that cute face again~"

Ben: "Whoa! That's so cool! You can turn back to normal at will." [Zack nods at him.]

(Ben and Zack then try to see if they can get the watches off their wrists, but they were unable to.)

Ben: "I still can't get this thing off."

Zack: "It's like they're completely attached to us, now."

Max: "Better not fool with it anymore until we know exactly what we're dealing with. I'll go check out that crash site. You guys stay here until I get back." [He leaves the kids to go check on the crash site.]

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