The Truth

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She was lost in her thoughts when her father said again,

'Lily, I understand that your concern back then was more about protecting Ethan and his family than doubting his loyalty. Your decision to disappear was rooted in your desire not to tarnish their reputation due to your mom's standing in our circle. But my dear, don't be too harsh on yourself for that. I apologize for not being able to stand up against your mother, but I can assure Ethan's family that having you as a part of their family will be something they'll never regret.'

Lily's silent tears fell from her eyes. She held her Dad's hand, asking him to rest. She was not sure if there was anything left between them apart from the misunderstandings. She wished she was back in Meadowfield and had never come to Everwood at all. Uncle Adam drifted off to sleep and Lily too dozed off sitting on a seat at the side of her father's bed. 

Back at Ethan's home, the moment he arrived, he called out Emily's name with a tone that sent shivers down her spine. She hurriedly came running out of her room, clearly startled. "What happened, Ethan?" she asked, visibly concerned.

"Didn't I tell you that if I ever find out that you are behind Lily's disappearance, I would never spare you?" Ethan snarled, his face contorted with anger. He advanced toward Emily, trapping her against the wall in the living room.

Panic surged through Emily as Lily's name was brought into the conversation. 'What do you mean, Ethan? Why would I do such a thing?' she replied cautiously, her mind racing to grasp the situation. Ethan cornered her, his anger palpable but restrained.

'Did you not say anything to Lily before she left Everwood seven years ago?' Ethan's voice quivered, yet he held back from any violence.

With a lie on her lips, Emily replied, "No, I didn't say anything to Lily," looking directly into Ethan's eyes.

'You did not tell Lily that I had told YOU about her family's situation?' Ethan further inquired rage building up because of her lie. 

'How would I know about her family's situation that I would talk to her about it?' Emily lied again. Deep inside she started to quiver, wondering if Ethan had already met Lily or not. 

'This is what I am asking. Stop lying and tell me did I EVER tell you anything about Lily's family or not?' Ethan asked again his voice raising with every word. 

'No, you did not, and exactly what is it about her family that is of so much concern right now Ethan?' Emily asked in return trying to play innocent in front of him.

'So you are not going to admit that you met or said anything to Lily?' Ethan asked one last time. 

Emily replied instantly thinking that Ethan would calm down if she would keep her ground. 'Why should I admit to something that I did not do.' 

Her reply angered Ethan so much that he moved away from Emily and started breaking things around himself screaming at the top of his lungs. He threw down the vases, the books the decoration items, and the fruit basket. everything was left scattered on the floor. He threw his phone at the wall as well while it was ringing for the last five minutes. the phone broke like the rest of the things in the living room. Emily stood by the wall shocked. She had never seen Ethan's anger getting out of control like this before. Ethan picked up the knife from the floor that was in the fruit basket and started to advance toward Emily again. 

On the other side, Andrew had been calling Ethan. It's been more than an hour since he had gone to talk to Emily and they were all getting worried for him. The way he had left Lily's side ensured that nothing good was about to come out of this talk. When Ethan's phone stopped getting connected Olivia suggested that they head towards home. She did not have a good feeling about all this. 

When Olivia, Andrew, and Aunt Eleanor reached the home, what they saw horrified the soul out of them. The house was a complete mess and Ethan was standing in front of Emily, a pool of blood accumulated at his feet dripping from his hand. Emily was crying and begging him to let go of the knife but he was refusing to leave it unless Emily told him what she did to Lily seven years ago. 

Just as Andrew was about to enter the room to knock sense in Ethan Emily yelled.

'Yes, it was me. I lied to Lily, claiming that it was you who had confided in me about her family. I overheard your conversation with Olivia that night, and I wanted to expose the truth to Lily. I wanted to show her that she and her family were unworthy of any connection with you. I told her to distance her 'filthy' self and her 'vulgar' family from tainting her family's name. I did all of this for you, Ethan. What is so good about her that you have become like this Ethan?' Emily confessed crying, she slumped on the floor against the wall. 

Ethan let go of the knife which fell on the floor with a clink. Andrew entered the room and climbing over the broken things he caught hold of Ethan, whose tears started to. He felt helpless. His pain was both physical and mental. 

'How will I face Lily when it was my own relations who had inflicted this pain on both of us.' Ethan said to Andrew in a hushed voice. 

Sitting in her wheelchair Ethan's mother started crying as well seeing her son in so much pain. She could feel the pain that Lily must have gone through as well. Andrew took Ethan to the hospital forcefully. He had lost so much blood and his wound looked very bad even after cleaning. 

Olivia started to clean the mess all around the living room while Emily shut herself up in her room. Aunt Eleanor had asked her to leave Everwood. She did not want Ethan to come face-to-face with her again. 

In the hospital, the doctor treated Ethan's hand and prescribed some painkillers for him as well. As the sun set early in winter it was dusk outside by the time Andrew and Ethan got free. Andrew asked Ethan to sit on a bench and went to get his medicine. The pain was intensifying rapidly, gaining momentum with every passing moment.

Lily had gone to recycle the dinner plates outside the hospital. When she entered the gate she saw Ethan sitting on a bench near the information desk. He had his head against the wall and his eyes were closed. Looking at his appearance, Lily felt a shudder run through her body, His clothes were covered in blood and his hand was heavily bandaged. She was about to go to him when she saw Andrew come and sit by Ethan. He gave Ethan some medicines to eat and asked him if he wanted to rest more. 

Ethan wanted to leave for home. They both stood up and as they advanced towards the gate they both saw Lily standing near the gate at the same time. Both Andrew and Ethan stopped abruptly. Andrew thought if he should leave them both alone for a chat but Ethan told him to stay by his side. He did not want to face Lily at that time. 

Lily started walking towards the pair and stopping in front of them asked, 'What happened?' She did not address anyone in particular so Andrew replied, 'Ethan got into an accident. The doctor said the wound was quite deep. It will take some time to heal. It just needs some attention and care.' Andrew's words carried double meaning and he hoped Lily would be able to get what he actually wanted to say. 

She looked at Ethan's face. He looked pale and weak. She wanted to apologize to him for not trusting him and for whatever hurt she had inflicted on him but now did not seem the right time. 

'How is Uncle now?' Andrew asked breaking the silence between them. 

'He has recovered a lot now. The doctor will discharge him early in the morning. I have called his driver. He will come to take him to Eldertown tomorrow.' Lily informed Andrew. This time Ethan was looking at her while she was talking to Andrew. He wanted to ask her about her plan but could not find the courage to do that.

Andrew asked her instead, 'And will you be staying here or will you leave as well?'

'My train will leave in the evening so I'll have to wait till then.' Lily said and turning to Ethan said, 'Get well soon, Ethan.' then waved bye to Andrew and went back to her room.  

Ethan was starting to get a headache so he asked Andrew to take him home. 

In the hospital room, Lily told her dad about running into Ethan and Andrew when she was outside and about Ethan getting into an accident as well. Her father did not say anything but he silently made up his mind to visit Ethan at his home in the morning when his driver was here. And he planned to take Lily along as well. 

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