Some Private Conversations

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Olivia had already sent a text to her mom that they had found Ethan and Lily so she could feel relaxed. Eleanor made some hot soup for all of them so they don't catch a cold and advised them to go to bed early. 

Sophia's concern for her sister, Emily, continued to grow as she witnessed her sibling's worsening mood. She had learned from their aunt that the decision regarding whom Ethan would marry ultimately rested with him alone. Eleanor had been trying to encourage Emily and Ethan to spend time together, hoping they would build a connection. However, it was clear to her that Ethan had never seen Emily as anything more than a cousin and hadn't shown romantic interest in her. Emily too was unable to create a closeness with Ethan that would encourage a happy married life.

Sophia was aware that Eleanor, their aunt, was persistent in her desire for Emily and Ethan to marry, fearing that Ethan might remain single for the rest of his life without an emotional connection due to his introverted personality. However, Eleanor had begun to see Ethan and Lily getting closer, and it had sparked a change in her perspective. She no longer wanted to interfere in Ethan's romantic choices, especially if he had found someone with whom he shared a genuine bond and connection.

Eleanor even showed Ethan and Lily's picture to Sophia that Olivia had taken of them on the mountaintop, peacefully asleep while huddled together on a small rock, holding hands. The image had warmed Eleanor's heart, but it left Sophia feeling even sadder.

Sophia's hesitation in taking a stand for her sister stemmed from her awareness that Emily's feelings for Ethan were not driven by genuine love but rather by an unhealthy obsession. She understood that obsessions rarely led to positive outcomes, and Emily's fixation on Ethan concerned her deeply. In contrast, Lily's relationship with Ethan appeared to be more authentic, genuine, and healthy as well, which made Sophia lean towards supporting it instead.

The following two days, the majority of them were confined to their rooms, dealing with various illnesses. Olivia, Andrew, and Emily were suffering from the flu, while both Ethan and Lily had a fever as well. The household was unusually quiet, with everyone taking medicines, drinking soup, and resting in an attempt to recover.

Eleanor, with the assistance of Sophia and the house helpers, continued to check on everyone regularly. Eleanor found solace in observing the concern and care that Ethan and Lily had for each other even in their sickness.

Ethan's first question when Eleanor entered his room was always about Lily. 'Mom, is Lily okay? Has her fever gone down? I hope she is comfortable here.' he would inquire, worried about her well-being.

Similarly, Lily's primary concern was Ethan's health. 'Aunt Eleanor, is Ethan alright? I hope he gets better soon. It's all because of me that he has gotten like this. He suggested that we should go back before the rain started but I insisted on reaching the top,' she expressed, her concern reflecting her growing attachment to him. Their mutual care and concern for each other touched Eleanor's heart, and it provided a glimmer of warmth and hope even in the midst of their illnesses. 

The time for Lily and Andrew to go back was getting closer with only three days left, Olivia and Eleanor felt apprehensive that Lily would be leaving whereas Emily was happy that finally Lily would be gone. 

Eleanor's idea to send Ethan and Lily to the market was a thoughtful one, providing them with an opportunity to spend more time together. As soon as they felt a little better, they decided to walk to the market, with Ethan holding a basket and Lily draping a shawl around her shoulders, still feeling a bit weak from their recent illnesses.

As they walked, Ethan brought up the topic of Lily's school, which was set to start on Monday. Lily's response carried a hint of sadness, and it was evident in her tone that she was feeling down.

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