The Night Before Leaving

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Lily had already packed all her belongings the night before, preparing for her departure. Eleanor had even ensured that Lily and Andrew had freshly laundered clothes delivered to their rooms. However, Andrew had not yet packed his bag, stating that there wasn't much to pack anyway, and he intended to do it just before leaving.

'I wish I could stay forever. I don't want to go back,' Andrew added, stretching on the sofa.

In the living room, Ethan and Olivia were also sitting with Lily and Andrew. Emily sat at a distance, listening in on their conversation. Eleanor, wanting to gift something to Lily as a gesture of hospitality, had gone to the market with Sophia.

Lily expressed her reluctance to leave, echoing Andrew's sentiment. 'Yeah, if it wasn't for school, I would have stayed for a while longer as well,' she replied. Her gaze inadvertently met Ethan's, and he was already looking at her. Her response brought a smile to his face, and Lily reciprocated with a small smile.

The moment between them didn't go unnoticed, as Olivia and Andrew decided to clear their throats to gently remind them that they were not alone. The tension in the room lightened as they continued their conversation, though the unspoken connection between Lily and Ethan remained palpable.

Ethan's thoughts were torn between two pressing matters: the lingering mystery of the eavesdropper from the previous night and his deepening feelings for Lily. Throughout the night, he had grappled with his emotions, and by morning, he had come to a clear realization. He was undeniably in love with Lily, and his desire to have her in his life burned fervently.

As he contemplated these emotions, he envisioned a future with Lily—a future where he could provide her with the love, care, and protection she had been deprived of for so long. Ethan wanted to be the steadfast presence in her life, offering her a sense of security and family that she had never experienced before. With these sentiments weighing on his heart, he knew that he had to find the right moment to share his true feelings with Lily before she departed, just as Olivia had suggested. 

Unbeknownst to anyone in the house, a scheme was silently brewing in Emily's mind. She had been the eavesdropper who had overheard Olivia and Ethan's conversation the previous night. Upon learning about Ethan's feelings for Lily, Emily felt a surge of vindictive glee, believing that she could use this newfound knowledge about Lily's family's background to her advantage and manipulate Lily's fragile emotions to her benefit. Her hidden agenda remained concealed, and she was prepared to deploy her plan to ensure that things played out in her favor.

The dinner was a joyous occasion, with everyone at the table reveling in the happy atmosphere. However, Emily remained the lone silent figure among them. On this particular evening, Lily was seated next to Ethan's mom, Eleanor. The unspoken connection between Ethan and Lily was palpable, yet nobody openly discussed it.

Eleanor, demonstrating her motherly affection, asked Lily to sit with her and even took the initiative to serve her food, ensuring that she ate well. For Lily, this was an entirely new experience of receiving a mother's love, and it tugged at her heart, causing her eyes to well up with tears that she struggled to suppress. Across from her, Ethan could discern the unspoken turmoil in Lily's eyes and empathize with her pain, yearning to offer her a comforting embrace.

After dinner, Eleanor gave Lily a shawl that she had bought that morning. It was a traditional handmade shawl. 

'It's beautiful Aunt Eleanor. Thank you so much.' said Lily. Her voice filled with earnest emotions. Eleanor felt relieved seeing that Lily liked her gift. 

Emily exclaimed from her seat, 'Oh it's similar to the shawl that you gifted us as well Aunt, isn't it? I remember you even got our names engraved in the corner of it for us.' 

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