Back to Everwood

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Lily had been busy with her work, unaware that her father was hospitalized. Andrew was still thinking about how to inform her. He was sitting in the hospital room when Olivia came to see him. 

'I told Mom I was going shopping. I would have told her about Lily's father if Emily was not around.' Olivia told Andrew sitting beside him. 'Did you get in touch with Lily?' 

'Not yet. I am just thinking if I should tell her myself or if the hospital should inform her.' Andrew replied. 

'I think we should let the hospital inform her. She will get more flustered if she hears that we are here with her Dad.' Olivia suggested.

'Yeah, when the nurse comes in I'll ask her to inform Lily.' Andrew said. 'Did Ethan ask about me?' 

'Yeah, he was waiting for you at breakfast. This is why I came to your home in the morning. I told him that you would go to the warehouse late because your guest was still here. I didn't tell who the guest was.' Olivia replied. 

'Thanks, Olivia.' Andrew said. They both sat there staring at Uncle Adam's unconscious body. Doctors were waiting for him to gain consciousness.

Lily got off from work in the evening and was walking home when her phone rang. It was her Dad calling. 

'Hello Dad?' Lily said 

'Is this Miss Lily?' asked a stranger's voice from the other side. 

Lily stopped walking abruptly as blood drained from her face. 'Yes. Who is this?' she said, her voice trembling.

'We are calling from Everwood Community Hospital. Your father was brought in today while he had a minor heart attack. He is currently unconscious. Doctors are waiting for him to wake up so further checkups can be done.' said the nurse.

Lily's tears started to fall as she grasped the information. 'Please can you send me the location of the hospital? I will come there as soon as possible.' Lily said ending the call. 

Getting the location Lily got another shock wave run through her body. So many questions erupted in her mind. Everwood? Why was her Dad in Everwood? Was he alone? There was no family member with him she was sure of that otherwise she wouldn't have gotten a call. 

Fear for her father's well-being was her immediate emotion, yet she remained uncertain about her own return to Everwood. But the thought of her father being there, alone, was a powerful motivator. After a tumultuous internal struggle that spanned an hour, Lily gathered her courage and ultimately made the resolute decision to head to Everwood.

Lily had asked Aiden to apply for her leave. As she rarely got days off from work for personal reasons her leave was approved in a short while. She started putting her essentials in a small bag. She did not want to stay in Everwood for a long time. She planned to take her Dad from there to Eldertown. 

While packing her clothes, she came across the shawl that Ethan's Mom had given her. So many happy memories flashed through her mind in that instant. She picked up that shawl and put it in her bag as well. 'It must be cold in Everwood. I should keep it with me.' she thought to herself. 

She caught the first train leaving for Everwood. It was going to be a very long journey and she just hoped that her father's condition would not get worse in these fifteen hours. 

Inside the hospital room, Olivia sat with Uncle Adam while Andrew left for work. He did not want Ethan to get suspicious of anything. Olivia called her mom to tell her that she was at Andrew's place, helping him with preparing dinner for his guest. 

'Ethan my guest is still here so I will be leaving early.' Andrew told Ethan getting ready to leave as evening started to fall.

'Who is the guest? You can invite him to our home if you want.' Ethan inquired in return.

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