Some Wounds from the Past

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Lily noticed that though there were helpers all around the house, everyone loved to do their work themselves. Dinner table was set. Lily did not like to be in the limelight so she sat at the furthest end of the table. Andrew came and sat beside her. Everyone took their place and Emily sat next to Ethan, who was sitting next to his mom. 

The way she carried herself and sat next to Ethan showed authority. As if she owned Ethan, as if he was her most prized jewel. Sophia and Amber were all chatty. They were engaged in a conversation with Aunt Eleanor. Olivia, Andrew and Lily were also huddled together making plans for the week ahead. Although Lily was only listening on and smiling in affirmation of any plan that was suggested by the other two. Only Ethan and Emily were the silent ones at the table. The atmosphere was so cozy and warm. Though Lily was sitting at the far end she was still on the opposite side of Ethan. He would glance at her from time to time. Emily had her eyes on both Lily and Ethan.

After dinner, everyone pitched in to clear the table, and once the chores were done, most of the group dispersed to their respective rooms. Lily, however, decided to go outside for a leisurely stroll in the open yard adjacent to the kitchen. Emily approached her, cutting right to the point.

"How come you're friends with Ethan?" Emily asked, her directness catching Lily off guard.

Lily replied honestly, "Well, he's mostly Andrew's friend. I've only known him for a few meetings, so we're more like acquaintances, really." Inwardly, she acknowledged that their relationship had yet to deepen into true friendship or maybe more.

But Emily's next comment struck Lily like a verbal blow. "But I must admit, you've got some really good seducing skills. Maybe the girls from your city are very bold."

Stunned by the boldness of the accusation, Lily asked, "What do you mean?"

"Oh, you don't have to act innocent in front of me at least. I've met many girls like you. They'd do anything to get their hands on a rich guy and secure a dream house for free," Emily continued, delivering a string of derogatory remarks.

Lily was too shocked to respond, never having encountered such insulting comments directed at her. Before she could defend herself, Emily leaned closer and whispered in Lily's ear, "Ethan and I are betrothed to be married in the near future. So don't even think about coming between us."

With that, Emily gave Lily a sarcastic smile and walked back into the house, leaving Lily standing there in utter disbelief. Despite her attraction to Ethan, she had never attempted to seduce him in any way, and Ethan had never shown any particular interest in her, regardless of any circumstances. Frustration and anger welled up in Lily, and tears began to stream down her cheeks. She was about to head back to her room when she heard approaching footsteps. Quickly, she wiped her tears and tried to compose herself.

"Hey, Lily, what are you doing here all alone?" Andrew asked when he and Ethan approached her.

Turning to face them but avoiding looking at Ethan, Lily replied, "I was just about to head to bed. See you later," and briskly walked back toward the house, her emotions a whirlwind inside her. Ethan could sense Lily's reservedness through her behavior but he avoided saying anything. Earlier he saw Emily talking to Lily through the kitchen window but Lily's back was towards him and Emily was smiling so he could not imagine what they both would have talked about. 'I wonder if Emily said anything to her' Ethan thought to himself.

Inside her room, Lily lay down on her bed, and an excruciating emotional pain, unrelated to any physical injury, began to overwhelm her. The derogatory mindset Emily had revealed today echoed the very ethos of her family. To them, marriage was a business deal, and a person's true character held no significance. Their sole aim was to ascend the social ladder until they reached the pinnacle.

Both of Lily's sisters had been married off to influential figures in high-ranking government positions, and her own mother had wedded her father solely for the promise of fame and wealth, as he was a favorite candidate for a future presidency. Lily, too, was expected to follow in their footsteps, destined to be united with one of these money-making machines that controlled the nation, their prosperity blooming while the pockets of the less fortunate emptied. Everyone in their social circle was well aware of the cunning schemes Lily's mother had orchestrated to secure marriages for her elder daughters. What haunted Lily most was that her mother felt no shame about it.

Lily had distanced herself from her family long ago, maintaining contact only with her father, whom she considered the one sane soul who truly understood her. Her father had unwaveringly supported Lily in every circumstances.

Emily's hurtful comments had torn open old wounds, and Lily lay awake in bed, staring at the ceiling long after midnight had come and gone. The weight of her family's expectations and her mother's ruthlessness lingered in her thoughts, leaving her emotionally wounded and sleepless.

The morning came and Lily woke up even before the sun was properly out. She freshened herself up, wore a simple jeans and t-shirt and did not wear any makeup at all. She was having a severe headache, so she decided to go for a walk by herself so she can clear up her mind. She put on her sneakers and silently crept outside the room. Reaching outside she sent a text to Andrew that she was going for a walk so he doesn't worry. 

She started walking towards the main gate of the house. The keeper opened the gate for her. Stepping outside, she felt as if some kind of weight has left her body. She felt light and free. She took the same path as yesterday where she met Olivia for the first time. 

On a bright and sunny day, Everwood retained its charming allure in the early morning, just as it did during the night. The path ahead descended in a gradual slope, which made Lily wish there were stairs instead. As she continued downward, she noticed that the path eventually led to a tunnel. The upper part of the tunnel was entirely covered in lush greenery and trees, obscuring any view of what lay at its end. Pausing briefly, Lily decided to venture into the tunnel.

The walk inside the tunnel seemed to stretch on for what felt like five minutes, with dim lighting making it easy for her to navigate her way through the passage. It was a peculiar mix of cozy and eerie, a feeling that accompanied her as she kept moving forward. After what seemed like an eternity, she finally spotted a door that was left open by someone, daylight streaming in from it. Picking up her pace, Lily emerged from the tunnel with a sigh of relief.

The sight that greeted Lily's eyes was one of utter fascination. Before her stretched vast vegetable patches, barns, coops, sheds, and a myriad of other structures, all situated across a sprawling expanse of land. The atmosphere was filled with the sounds of chickens, cows, horses, ducks, and goats, as if they existed in their own thriving world. As Lily absorbed this lively scene, her worries and headache seemed to dissolve into the background.

The horse stable happened to be the closest structure, so she decided to go inside it but came to a halt right at it's gate. There, she found Ethan meticulously grooming the coat of a stunning white horse. When their eyes met, Lily's heart raced, and she abruptly turned around, breaking into a sprint towards the tunnel. She hadn't expected anyone to be awake and active at this early hour, and encountering Ethan was the last thing she wanted at that moment.

Ethan, however, quickly emerged from the stable and began chasing after Lily, calling her name urgently. "Hey, Lily, wait! Don't leave! Lily, Lily!" he shouted at the top of his lungs while running to catch up. Lily, determined to avoid him, continued her dash.

Ethan's swifter pace enabled him to seize her by the arm, bringing her to an abrupt halt just at the entrance of the tunnel. Both of them were panting heavily, their gazes locked.

"Please, stop," Ethan implored, still clutching Lily's arm firmly.

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